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The multiverse!


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I will say though do you remember all your dreams?

No, don't remember all my dreams in any meaningful way, but you can usually get a sense of them by your emotional state when waking, or if you had trouble sleeping. Not all of my dreams that I do remember are good, but what fragments I remember can usually be traced back to some thought or event that occurred or just a passing feeling. In my own experience, the actual feelings that seem to permeate and continue through dreams are usually in relation to my own personal emotional or psychological state at the time. But then again I'm probably more self-aware and introspective than most.

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I had a dream last night that I was sent to a futuristic prison with 3 other guys who were organising to prostitute me out to the inmates to make cash...if that has any psychological or emotional ties I must be pretty messed up :psyduck:
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I had a dream last night that I was sent to a futuristic prison with 3 other guys who were organising to prostitute me out to the inmates to make cash...if that has any psychological or emotional ties I must be pretty messed up :psyduck:

Stop watching Superjail. :biggrin:

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That looks messed up! Maybe I was in the mind of someone watching it :blink:


EDIT: I don't know if this relevant to the OP's topic but I have had many dreams where something happens, or someone says something, or I feel/think something about something I see in my dreams then the day a wake from it the EXACT same thing will happen. Then when I tell someone I get massive de-ja-vu as if I even told the same person at the same point, then my immediate actions soon after are the same, it so weird!

Edited by Ironman5000
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I believe that every person has 4 or 5 "points of divergence" in their life - essentially "life changing moments."


Now, if you multiply those 4 or 5 moments by about 7 billion people, and you throw cause and effect in the mix (one person's actions can affect another person's life), you essentially have an infinite number of possible universes that could exist.


I feel that I made one of those "divergent point" decisions the other day; I wonder how my life would have turned out if I had done things differently.

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