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Can anyone possible make the Deadnaught armor from World of Warcraft for Oblivion?



It's very cool armor and with the addition of Wrath of the Lich King there ware several variants


Valorous Dreadnaught



Heroes' Deadnaught(Click the "View in 3D button"


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That armor is very cool, however, it is also VERY large. When you try to place large, beefy armors in-game, it usually creates problems with environmental clipping or being denied access to an area because you can't fit. The only real way around this is to reduce the size of the armor, and that tends to take away from the overall effect of the beefy armors.
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OR to resolve this problem (may also take away slightly from the awesomeness) but perhaps take the biggest character you plan to use with the armor and have them wear it, go into an area where size may be an issue. Check to see roughly how much bigger you are than the space allows then script the armor to descale YOU so that it is still proportional you're just a little narrower or shorter, so you can still get the overall effect and access everything. Just a thought :biggrin:
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