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Strangulation Mod?


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That would be cool. Almost an advanced hand to hand combat style. Maybe some one could create some animations so that the PC clicks on the NPC in stealth mode <and the adv. hand 2 hand is of an acceptable level> the PCs arms wrap around the NPCs neck and SNAP good bye NPC :lol:
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I can see that HeLLL is right there with me on this. Some kind of animation would awesome, maybe some soft, gurgling noises as the last breath escapes my unfortunate victim while his body slumps to the ground...


And while my char is not really an assassin, you gotta admit... it would be cool. Think "Fargoth" if you're not yet convinced.

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I know nothing about modding, but yes, it DOES sound rather complicated. Still, done effectively it would be out of this world cool.


I don't even know how often my char would use it, but just knowing I COULD would make it worthwhile to have.

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Wo! Sounds like a cool idea for a mod but the scriptin would be hell and think of the poor guy who wud av to do the animations, firstly arms raise over victims neck and begin to strangle him, then you gotta add in the sound effects then the person u were strangelin would have to wriggle they cudnt jst stand ther then you wud have to settle them to the ground otherwise they would fall rite through you or the object u were usin to strangle them with. hope u get an animator tho it wud b gud but like i say not 4 the poor guy who duz the animatin lol. Myth-Source :ph34r:
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