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Register Unique Modding IDs 2.0

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First of all, I want to commend MrEmjeR for starting a list of claimed IDs.


His system however had a few pitfalls:

  • The list had to be manually updated by him or moderators, which hasn't happened since November 2019
  • As a consequence of this, there were quite a few clashing IDs
  • And because people were too lazy to read, IDs were claimed that did not end with 000 which undermines the system he tried to put in place

Therefore I present you V 2.0, a shared excel sheet where you can claim your unique IDs:




I already filled in all valid IDs I found in the comments of the original post but as alluded to before, there were quite a few invalid IDs.

Next will follow a list of users who as a result of this will have to claim a new ID:




  • lord_jex - New maps - tried to claim 1995000 --> number too large
  • fmo1 - Adding a new Map, including a castle, new npc's and new quests - tried to claim 166000 --> ID already taken
  • Kulov - New Map, including a village,new npc's and new quests - tried to claim 123321 --> ID does not end with 000
  • Oisin - item mod - tried to claim 115000 --> ID already taken
  • Neurolepticer - Cinematic Overhaul - tried to claim 141200 --> ID does not end with 000
  • JUMBO - New NPCs, houses, items and other things - tried to claim 198000 --> ID already taken
  • theworra - Progress Notify - tried to claim 665000 --> ID already taken
  • GamerTexan - New Maps - tried to claim 1360000 --> number too large
  • Ahmaded1 - Adding new weapons, maybe other items as well. - tried to claim 155000 --> ID already taken
  • Donte - Weapons ETC. - tried to claim 208900 --> ID does not end with 000
  • mrc333777 - random - tried to claim 333777 --> ID does not end with 000




I will also back up the list periodically in this post in case Microsoft's servers get destroyed:




3000 valiozaur TBA
4000 Dirizher TBA
13000 TheRoxasReplica TBA
29000 Vontickle TBD
69000 Choreese ^^
100000 AceStrelok TBD - Economy Overhaul Mod
105000 VictoryRush ACF - Armor Color Fix
111000 MrEmjeR Realistic Blacksmiths
112000 OttoSlingblade Dumb Ones
113000 TheGuitarDrake TBA
114000 Draakvanhetzuide TBA
115000 Anthropoid Perks Be Praised! (inspired by Perkaholic, basically a Perks/Skills/Stats system that isn't so luke warm, but retains the 'historical realism' intent of the game)
116000 Ben Stefani New Map, including a village,new npc's and new quests
117000 Andrew Millspaugh New Map, village,new npc new quests and more
118000 Praeik ( Maybe item mods, and other ( if i have a time ) )
121000 Ga-Knomboe Boy Battle mod (separate map)
123000 MaxsVition Unity Adding New NPC And New Quest etc
126000 EthanBrossard Probably item mods, maybe others
129000 TervaAim99 TBA
132000 DrMcTeddy Adding new weapons, maybe other items as well.
133000 xXD4rkSc0p3zXx Adding detail objects to game world like new npcs and houses
139000 TrulyModaholic for test purposes, current focus on (new) npc's their behaviour, dialogues and quests
144000 BrainyJuan Henry's Castle
145000 Shenglian TBA
150000 mbowma5328 TBD
155000 irfanahmed1979 High Meat Prices
160000 kerendil TBD
166000 Dayrim Cosmetics/Hairstyles prob.
168000 khowder adding new clothing/armor items. Possibly other things
169000 Xikute TBA
170000 knifedog TBA - Update to one of the cities probably
175000 MationPlays New maps
180000 KayjayUK New NPC and a new quest, possibly more in later days
184000 Mexikan84 TBA
189000 GNU Hussite Wars Mod
192000 CptnNegative TBA
193000 Samoff new map and quests
198000 Mercadier TBA
200000 Bazinga New items maybe others
202000 LSE - test Starting modding -> now for test, in future something better :)
211000 Lasoft TBA
244000 AdM244 New quests, Map changes, etc.
260000 Spekoun TBA
270000 Zenix TBA
285000 LordCoitus adding new npcs and houses, maps and so on
287000 ItIsJT adding new npcs and houses, maps
300000 Zomec Gaming Story Content,Map Changes,Building additions
333000 LVN5 Just modding for my own use. Maybe if i make something that is good and stable ill share it with others.
400000 Bilbofox Want to try to build some new maps etc., lets see how this goes ([email protected] - please contact me here, if my ID claim is causing issue)
665000 Sinistas Item stats overhaul? We'll see.
777000 LouisXXVIII Map changes
998000 Bhscorreia ( Maybe item mods, and other )
999000 Rotsuoy TBA




You can find the reason why the IDs start at 1000 instead of 100000 here.

If you don't know what any of this means, I refer you to the wiki.

Edited by Choreese
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Hey, I am unable to get to the excel sheet you are mentioning.

I would like to claim 102000 - Dialogue + Quest purposes

I hope it is ok if i do it this way.

Thanks in advance


*Edit - Well nevermind it seems like V2 sequences are not working properly i am getting this error : NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping

I searched everywhere and could not find an answer for this so, if anyone could help i would be thankful.
Edited by AssassinFoxus
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