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Remove player restriction?


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Hey guys recently i downloaded and installed SlaveTown Episode 2 and i forgot to make a backup and used my save file. I didn't want to play the mod anymore (due to the slow movements of the npc, and it just got boring) I tried to remove the mod and successful did but my character is still locked! i cant remove the clothing or change. All my stuff is gone due to the mod taking it away ( i don't really mind it) But i NEED to find out how to unrestricted my character so i can change clothes and use weapons. So any ideas? Thanks in advanced. And yes im stupid for not using a new save.
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The problem is that your player eqipped stuff that can unequipped only using this function:



As you probably don't know the ObjectIDs, you can try to enter the following command into the console:


player.UnequipItem Everything



If you still wear things you don't want to, I'd strongly suggest to read the mods readme.


If there's no information about, ask the mod author what objects you need to unequip.




Since formlist apparently do not work, you need the ObjectIDs instead of "Everything".

So you may need to ask the Mod-Author.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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Actually, the EquipItem command has a flag that prevents removal of the item equipped via any means other script commands.


To find the FormID of something you have equipped, use player.showinventory in the console. The PageUp and PageDown keys will scroll the output. Anything you have equipped with have "Worn" next to it. Plug the FormID into player.removeitem XXXXXXXX 1 to get rid of whatever items you don't want.

Edited by luthienanarion
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