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Can't pick up my custom armor in game


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Ok thanks! I am new to modding Skyrim so I am trying to learn how to use the creation kit still. I already have the armor fully modeled and it appears that Skyrims ground models are the GO models, I will try to see how they are setup and make some for mine. Thanks!
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Aye, you can simply open an original GO or GND nif, delete its NiTriShape and copy/paste yours into the BSFadeNode...and delete the BSDismemberSkinInstace block, it uses no bones (so its not floating above ground) - and don't forget to turn off _Skinned int BSLightingShaderProperty's ShaderFlags1 (block details) - this value is only used for skinned models, but since the ground model uses no bones/skin you have to uncheck it.
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Ok thanks, right now I am using the Daedric ground model but when I equip my model its just a white exclamation point with a red diamond, I thought that meant it couldn't find the file, but I placed it right. Any thoughts on what might be wrong? The creation kit shows it in the model viewer when I select it as the biped model.
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Just compare it to the original file...same value names, no bones/skin blocks inside the nif, _skinned disabled, BSLightingShaderProperties alligned to the correct block...there should be no problem when the structure looks exactly like the original .nif and you did no fancy edits to the blocks.
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Ah, sry...you're talking 'bout the skinned model. Well, there are a thousand possible error sources, as i always recommend: Upload nif+dds and esp (if available) so someone might check/test it. Edited by ghosu
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