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Custom Race creation


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Okay so here's the deal. I took a race mod that I liked and I am trying to use it to create a Dark Elf race that isn't ugly. I took the meshes copied them to a new folder, and did the same with the textures. I edited the textures with, and pointed the .nif at the new .dds in nifskope. Now I loaded the original mod (not as active of course) so that I could just copy the race files and point them toward my edited meshes / textures.


This is where I got lost, I can not find where it is told to use whatever textures / meshes in the CK. if someone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction I would be most appreciative.


If you hadn't already guessed I have a pretty good idea of what I am doing and how to do it (and have in fact done this exact thing once before in Oblivion) just that I am not completely used to the new CK.



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It's easier to use a standalone race mod (with all it's meshes and textures included) then look at the folder structure of that mod and rename your new meshes and textures to match the mods originals, then overwriting one asset with the others. Then all you have to do is edit any of the racial data in the CK that you want to (sliders, eye/hair/complexion/scar options etc). Faster by far.
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If you do want to do the work yourself (perhaps for learning reasons), ensure that bAllowMultipleEditors= is set to 1 under the [General] section of SkyrimEditor.ini. Now you can open your mod in one CK window and load up the race mod you are wanting to check out as active in a second CK window. Then just flip back and forth. Having the race mod active in a second window allows you to see what forms they edited etc...


If you just want to see a list of forms (perhaps to write down the formID #s for later examination) that the mod affected, load up the required masters for the race mod but not the race. After they are loaded go back to the data files tab and select only the race mod, set it active and click on Details. A window pops up that you can change the size of and change the column widths of the displayed data. This window shows every form inside that ESP file.


Anyway, pointing you to what you need to know


body parts (body, feet, hands)

Look under TextureSets and filter for Skin <-- assign textures to a texture set

Look under ArmorAddon and filter for Naked <-- assign the nif & the texture set

Look under Armor and locate SkinNaked <-- if you make custom Naked ArmorAddon forms, assign them as models to SkinNaked.... else make a custom SkinNaked form for your race.


Head parts

Look under TextureSets and filter for Skin <-- assign textures to a texture set

Look under HeadParts <-- assign texture set, nif & tri files


that's not super detailed, but you said you were somewhat familiar :P

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