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10mm Pistol Replacer- Beretta M9-FS


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Heyas. As far as the permission goes. You would most likely want to take a screenshot of the discussion with FadingSignal and then send it to whoever agrees to do the replacer. That way they can post the screenshot of the permissions given in the images section of the mod.

Also, really good on you for getting the permissions before making the request. A lot of folks don't do that, and think they can just leave that up to whoever takes up the request.



Edit- You ninja'd me with the second post. Ah. That changes things. Because of how limited it is for uploading pics to bethesda.net. But yeah, you'd want to make sure that the MA who does this has a screenshot of the discussion.


Edit2/2:45pm - Sent you a PM about your last post.

Sorry for the edit, but it's a conversation that doesn't relate to the request, and I don't want us to get in trouble for thread bumping.

Edited by StormWolf01
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