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What next when I killed Alduin and General Tullius and Emperor Titus Mede II. I did a lot of side missions. I joined Dark Brotherhood, Magic School, Thieves Guild and Companions and from all of it I did the main missions and much extra missions.


This is the end of Skyrim ? :ohdear:


Basic information of the chracter:

Lvl : 41

Prefers : Stormcloak, Ulfric

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Add some quests. Overhaul your game look. Overhaul the game mechanics. Go dungeon crawling. Roll up a new character outside of your comfort zone and start from scratch. Grab the official DLCs and experience life as a vampire lord. Explore every nook and cranny of Skyrim because I can almost guarantee you haven't found every possible secret, easter egg, and hidden gem.
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What next when I killed Alduin and General Tullius and Emperor Titus Mede II. I did a lot of side missions. I joined Dark Brotherhood, Magic School, Thieves Guild and Companions and from all of it I did the main missions and much extra missions.


This is the end of Skyrim ? :ohdear:


Basic information of the chracter:

Lvl : 41

Prefers : Stormcloak, Ulfric

Not by a longshot. With a little time you can get many many times the (vanilla) playable hours in mods right here on Nexus. Assuming you're on a PC, of course.

New weapons, armors, dungeons, creatures, quests, worldspaces & all sorts of environmentals like weather, lighting, depth of field, etc. --- Infinite possibilities :)

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Thank you :) My adventure with Skyrim is not over yet. :thumbsup:


I was there, too - is there more? There's some great stuff, but you may need to do some work to get everything to play nice with each other ;)

Let me know If you need any help.

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Even if you've done all the major and semi-major quests, I can confidently state that you've by no means seen/done/found everything the vanilla game has to offer. Go wandering and poking your nose into into out-of-the-way places. Even better, create new characters with differing sets of limitations. A particularly fun character for me was to use no armor and no weapons. What character could only defeat enemies with a combination of shouts, items, traps, and general cleverness...and sometimes his bare fists. Create different characters with different goals and really get into the role-playing aspect, you might be surprised at the curve balls the vanilla game will throw at you. Use your journal as a set of reminder notes instead of a set of orders. And of course, there's all sorts of mods that add content and quests. If you start really messing with various characters you can end up with an essentially brand-new game all the time. Heck, it took me almost a YEAR to finally finish the main quest! I still haven't done or found everything in the vanilla game....


Get creative and create a personal backstory for your character, then use that to guide what he does and where he goes.

Edited by digitaltrucker
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How about owning and flying your own Airship from the skies? Clicky


You made it to the nexus, why not check the file of the month and top files and find something you like to expand or change the gameplay?

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