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Missing Mod Folder/Files on Extraction/Enable


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I'm putting together a tutorial for how to mod Dragon's Dogma:Dark Arisen with Vortex and have found a limitation I'm hoping to fix or a user error I'm hoping to resolve. When installing mods, Vortex seems to only be able to address files with the folder path DDDA\nativePC\rom. Any folders and files that require installation along different paths (such as DDDA\nativePC\sound) are lost and not setup in the Mods folder for successful enablement/deployment. Manually placing the missing files or folders into the mod's folder (the one for the mod, not the one for stages; this wording can be rather confusing) doesn't fix the problem as it seems like Vortex doesn't know there are other folder paths to take for handling modded files. The only exception to this issue is the instillation of dinput8.dll (an in-game tool the functions similar to cheat engine) as Vortex is able to correctly install it's files into the DDDA root folder.

Does anyone know of a way to correct this issue with folder/file detection/instillation? It would help a great deal if anyone could explain or drop links to places were I can learn more about how Vortex actually handles extracting files from downloaded mods and handling the enable/deployment of those files.

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Mod unpacking and installation are all done by the extension for that game.

A number of new extensions for previously unsupported games can be found on Nexus now.

If you click on the Extensions tab (may need to set Vortex to Advanced), you can scroll down and see Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was provided by

Black Tree Gaming LTD. Since that is Vortex - open a bug report against that extension from withing Vortex.

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Mod unpacking and installation are all done by the extension for that game.

A number of new extensions for previously unsupported games can be found on Nexus now.

If you click on the Extensions tab (may need to set Vortex to Advanced), you can scroll down and see Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was provided by

Black Tree Gaming LTD. Since that is Vortex - open a bug report against that extension from withing Vortex.

Cool, but how do i file a bug report from within Vortex? I'm not seeing any options for that.

Edit - Oh, wait. Do you mean from the Vortex page on the Nexus site?

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