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OBSE/Oblvion/Mod related crashing


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I'm having issues with running oblivion and I think OBSE might be the culprit.

A general overview of the issue:

OS:Windows 7

Version: Latest official patch, SI and the 5th anniversary version (not sure if the retail specifics makes a difference, but its been like 4 years since Oblivions' last retail release so I thought it'd be significant)

Other: Installed to program files, might be important to note, though know I never initaially had a problem with obse

I was running obse v0020 and had absolutely no problem at first, had it extracted and ran it and oblivion worked with no issue with obse in effect. When I installed some mods and activated/enabled them, I ran the game (which of course ran through obse) and the screen went from the soft black that normally signifies the "Bethesda" logo back to a pitch black screen then back to the desktop, in short it crashed. I ran obmm to check for any and all conflicts, there were a bunch at first, and so I disabled the appropriate mods and ran the game again, exact same thing, so I ran it again and deleted the minor conflicting mods so now when I run the conflict check it shows all blue colored text for all mods, "No conflict" But even so, ran it again and the exact same thing occurred, to say I'm befuddled would be an understatement. Please, any help would be loved.

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OBMM is not a very good option for finding and resolving conflicts between mods. Wyre Bash is the tool to use for that. Your problem sounds like it could be a missing master for one of those 'some mods' you've installed. You are learning that adding a bunch of mods at once doesn't 'save time'.


Completely uninstall all mods (not just disable) and start again, installing one mod at a time and testing in between. Troubleshooting what mod is causing a problem and finding a solution is trivial when done that way.


- Edit - Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure should you decide to truly get off on the right foot this time ... C:\Program Files is not the recommended place to install the game if you expect trouble free modding.

Edited by Striker879
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When you launch the game through OBMM are you getting any error message boxes? OBMM launches through OBSE if they are both installed. I had an issue with a missing Direct X component which allowed the game to launch but OBSE wouldn't activate.


But I only got the error message when launching through OBMM, not when launching directly through OBSE.


In any case..Stiker is correct about not installing to program files on Windows 7. You need to create a folder titled "Games" on your C drive and reinstall Oblivion there. Installing to program files cause all sorts of problems with the UAC even if you set everything to Run as Admin.

Edited by mhahn123
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OBSE rarely causes any problems - However, some mods that require OBSE may cause them. I have seen it that people say OBSE is the problem, "I am positive because I disabled OBSE and the game worked." :rolleyes:


If you disable OBSE, many of the mods that require OBSE will never start - and therefore the game will run. That is not an OBSE problem, but a particular mod problem. Find that mod and the game will work with OBSE.

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I'll start by and say that I recommend everyone to use Wrye Bash for installing mods and BOSS for sorting the mod order. I second the recommendation that the game should be installed out C:\programs. If you want to learn more here's a helpful starter guide: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35230 or here: http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion
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