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Storms of the Divide


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As far as I remember, Nevada Skies had implemented a feature where their are working sandstorms and radstorms, though I forgot if they were actually functional since the last time I used Nevada Skies was since 2 years ago.


If possible, a modder may use the work of sandstorms and radstorms of Nevada Skies and make their own version via GECK, I may not be much a modder of myself but I think that copying the script from Nevada Skies and reconfigure the scripts for the two storms above may seem a bit more easier, but I am not so sure if this would work.

You are right, Nevada Skies even has some screenshots of The Highroad to the Divide being completely engulfed in a sandstorm. There is no documentation on the gameplay effects of these storms sadly, so I guess I will have to try it out.

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