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late rating and comment disabeling


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i know we can disable the ratings and comments on publishing but could we plz get the option to disable them afterwards aswell?


im kinda sick of all these *selfcensorshiprules* who have no clue how to rate, no idea of aesthetics and absolutely no clue of the game or how it works...

im actually wondering what is wrong with fallout users atm and never witnesses such *selfcensorshiprules* in the oblivion community and thus would like to disable these features for a few month in the hope of a change in mindset

i really cant keep track of every comment and it makes me sick to report every few comments anyway...


id really appreciate this feature



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i thought that was already possible but i haven't seen it when i upload any of my old mods so i guess it could be helpful


correct me if i am wrong but isn't that feature available to the premium members?



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The feature was coded to only give the option during the initial upload to prevent abuse of a feature to enable/disable whenever the author wants (such as hiding valid criticisms and such). I'm sure end-users would not appreciate taking the time to leave very helpful comments only to have them removed / hidden because of something somebody else said.


If a comment log becomes too abusive, the author has the option of reporting the comment and asking that the comment thread be "locked" from future postings which can effectively stop new postings but please consider this a last alternative.


Regarding the community difference from Oblivion to Fallout, keep in mind that even Oblivion and Morrowind suffered from spoiled-kiddie-syndrome when the games first released. In addition to this, Oblivion was able to inherit a large portion of the matured Morrowind community. Fallout is almost starting over but with the help of some dedicated Oblivion players and modders that also enjoyed the new Fallout game (even if they never experienced the older versions). Just give it time and the vast majority of the spoiled-kiddie-syndrome will have dissipated a year from now...maybe even sooner with helpful nudges from the more mature members (by maturity, I am referring to actions of words, not age)



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