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No viable alternative at input "If"


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Hello everyone,


I'm making an armour mod which has two separate body pieces, one on the legs and one on the chest. Unfortunately, to make both show up, one has to take up a different to normal slot. This results in it being equipped along with any piece of armour, and I want to write a script which will unequip it if it's anything but the leg armour.


I've been trying for a few hours now and I'm stymied. I get two "No viable alternative at input "If"" errors compiling, for the two If functions after the AND and OR operators. Could someone point me in the right direction?


Basically, I want the chestplate (the one with the different slot), while equipped, to check other equipped armour and see is there any other body armour equipped. If there is, but it's not the leg armour from the mod, the chestplate will unequip itself.


Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference  

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

If akActor == Game().GetPlayer

	If (Game().GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword("Mercenary Cuirass") != 1) && If (Game().GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword(Cuirass) == 1) || If (Game().GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword(Armor) == 1) 





Edited by Mayfly53
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The script will not work without setting up some properties for the keywords and the armor, and also filling these.



Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference

Keyword Property MercenaryCuirass auto
Keyword Property Cuirass auto
Keyword Property ArmorKeyword auto
Armor Property MercCuirassUpper auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
       Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
       If akActor == Player

               If (Player.WornHasKeyword(MercenaryCuirass) != 1) && (Player.WornHasKeyword(Cuirass) == 1) || (Player.WornHasKeyword(ArmorKeyword) == 1) 





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Aside from improper use of Game.GetPlayer() as acidzebra stated, you've got your If statement set up incorrectly.


If (Game.GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword("Mercenary Cuirass") != 1) && (Game.GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword(Cuirass) == 1) || (Game.GetPlayer().WornHasKeyword(Armor) == 1)


You only need ONE if at the beginning the && and || tell it what else to check. However I think it may not catch properly.


Do you want it to be:


-- keyword Mercenary Cuirass AND one of keywords Curiass or Armor

-- both keywords Mercenary Cuirass and Cuirass OR keyword Armor


The game is going to be just as confused as I am in that regards.

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Why don't you simply add the leg armor as a property, then check if it is equipped. You shouldn't even need to check keywords or slots. If the leg-piece isn't equipped, then simply unequip the chest piece:


Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference
{Put this script on the chest component of your two-piece armor}

Armor Property MyLegArmorPiece auto
{Link this property to the leg armor component of your two piece armor}

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
       If akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && !akActor.IsEquipped(MyLegArmorPiece)

Edited by steve40
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Thank you all for your replies.


Thank you steve40, your suggestion compiles perfectly, I just now have to test it in-game.


Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference

Armor Property MercCuirassProperty auto

Armor Property ArmorCuirass auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

       If akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && akActor.IsEquipped(ArmorCuirass) && !akActor.IsEquipped(MercCuirassProperty)





I guess I've been thinking of this script as an objective script as opposed to from the point of view of the armour itself.


A few questions, because I couldn't seem to find answers.


1) Is there a mechanic like in other languages whereby you can say "If X = 1, go to part A of the script, otherwise go to part B" ?


2) Regarding the WornHasKeyword function, is a keyword a string, as in part of the name, or is it a property like IsArmorLight etc?


EDIT: Okay, the script has no effect. Nothing gets unequipped when the conditions say they should.


Also, it occurred to me that this is only half a solution. It would unequip the chestplate if another armour was already equipped, but it does not stop other armours from being equipped after the chestplate.


I'm going to have to rethink this. It will have to be a quest script with the OnEquipped(Actor akActor) event.


I could do this if there was an "If X = 1, go to part A of the script, otherwise go to part B" function, but I can't find one.

Edited by Mayfly53
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Thank you :)


It still isn't working, and I'm not sure why. I've a feeling I'm close.


Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference

Armor Property MercCuirassProperty auto
Armor Property ArmorCuirass auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

State PlayerCheck
	akActor = Game.GetPlayer()

State Unequip
	akActor.WornHasKeyword(ArmorCuirass) && !akActor().WornHasKeyword(MercCuirassProperty)


It's still attached to the upper armour. I'm getting two errors "mismatched input 'If' expecting ENDSTATE". They're located obviously enough at each If statement inside each State.

Edited by Mayfly53
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your statements for the IF are not on the same line as the IF.


also akActor = Game.GetPlayer() tells the game to make akActor have the same value as Game.GetPlayer()

whereas akActor == Game.GetPlayer() tells the game to check if akActor does have the same value as Game.GetPlayer()


that said your script needs adjust in the following manner


Scriptname MercCuirassCheckScript extends ObjectReference

Armor Property MercCuirassProperty auto
Armor Property ArmorCuirass auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

State PlayerCheck
       If  akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

State Unequip
       If  akActor.WornHasKeyword(ArmorCuirass) && !akActor().WornHasKeyword(MercCuirassProperty)

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