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Another FO3 Music Bug


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Hi everybody,


I noticed a strange music bug while playing Fallout 3 the last couple of times.


I already scoured the Forums but only found solutions for the rather famous radio Stutter bug.


My problem is: all tracks play just fine, upon leaving Megaton, the explore tracks kick in. When encountering enemies, battle music starts just fine. After combat is over the explore tracks kinda "try to kick back in" but it sounds like only the first few seconds play then it starts over, leaving me wander around with a strange looping sound in the background, pretty annoying!


My soundcard is a Asus Xonar D1, afaik with the latest drivers installed. I can't tell exactly since when the bug started or what mod might have caused this!


I'd be grateful for any reply/solution!


Greets *SD

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