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New Companion - Mod Request for Xbox One


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For future reference, I play Fallout 4 on Xbox One.


So I know there are already a couple of mods out there for PC, but I was wondering if someone could make a mod that turns Synth Shaun into a companion. And I'm (painfully) aware that Bethesda has a big "no no" on child murder/violence. Which is why I wanted a mod that turns Synth Shaun into a companion that does not fight, immortal, and can't change clothes.


When entering combat, I want Shaun to run to safety nearby like normal children do if you were to shoot up Diamond City. And when the fight is over, he'll return to the player. No trading, no weird menus, just "Talk." (And "Command" if possible.)


I'm not sure how big this kind of mod would be, but I'm hoping to see this around 30 MB or smaller. I'm afraid I can't get rid of the mods I currently have, as I tweaked my Fallout experience almost exactly the way I want. (If anyone would like a list of the mods I have, feel free to ask!)


Anyway, the whole reason I want this as a mod is because I love the movie "The Road" and have always wanted to recreate that kind of experience. I understand making mods isn't easy, but I would be so grateful if someone can make this, and I would very much appreciate it if someone can get back to me if they have time to respond. Thank you for reading my request, and have a wonderful day.

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Well there is a real adult Shaun companion mod that I made, but it's over 100MB for Xbox due to all the dialog.


I don't think it's possible to have child Shaun as a companion on Xbox, even the "Command" option has a combat option and Bethesda doesn't want kids in combat. Many features have to be cut.

Edited by ToroMontana
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I understand that, but I don't want Child Shaun to fight. Realistically, kids wouldn't know how. They have to be taught.

I just want a mod that makes child Shaun a companion with the same basic interaction you would normally have with him, but having him as a follower. I'd be okay with not being able to command or trading with him. (Although, it would be nice to see him wearing something other than his default outfit. But I can deal with it.)

If there's no way to make child Shaun a companion, can we get a "copy" of him? There is a mod that replaces Dogmeat with a child, but the interaction with him is weird. Imagine walking up to a kid and saying; "Know any tricks boy?" I don't want to be Kratos :laugh:

Edited by YourInnerWolfe
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