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Separate keys for powers


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SKSE and - I believe - the Additional Hotkeys Mod previewed by Gopher are the best bet. Unfortunately you'll probably need SKSE whichever mod you use as Betheseda built the game for consoles, meaning around a 10 button limit and only barely upgraded that using the number keys for hotkeys.
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SKSE and - I believe - the Additional Hotkeys Mod previewed by Gopher are the best bet. Unfortunately you'll probably need SKSE whichever mod you use as Betheseda built the game for consoles, meaning around a 10 button limit and only barely upgraded that using the number keys for hotkeys.

I'm already using skse for other mods so this will not be a problem, but Additional Hotkeys Mod requires script dragon, and I can't use it with my game because it only support us version while I'm using polish version...

Any other mods? Or way to install script dragon on translations?

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SKSE and - I believe - the Additional Hotkeys Mod previewed by Gopher are the best bet. Unfortunately you'll probably need SKSE whichever mod you use as Betheseda built the game for consoles, meaning around a 10 button limit and only barely upgraded that using the number keys for hotkeys.

I'm already using skse for other mods so this will not be a problem, but Additional Hotkeys Mod requires script dragon, and I can't use it with my game because it only support us version while I'm using polish version...

Any other mods? Or way to install script dragon on translations?



I was thinking of the wrong one, I meant this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21530, though that's spells only at present. It is in beta though so they might be able to add the functionality in.

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