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Modder Hall of Fame or Modder of the Month?


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I sometimes think that certain highly skilled modders are overlooked, because they don't have that one super-impressive mod that makes File of the Month. Sometimes this is because another great mod comes out when their mod does, so it's just bad timing. In other cases it's because they don't release the type of mod that would win a contest, but they do make significant contributions over time. For example, mannygt has made quite a few mods which were very, very good. They just aren't blockbusters. But his contributions over time are superb. I'm using a number of his mods right now, including his Christmas Lanterns mod. It would be nice if there were a way to recognize this formally (other than individual file endorsements), as we do each month with the most popular mods. Some people that are great modders may never win a File of the Month.
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