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Few mods, but still CTD. I'd appreciate some help !


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Hi, as I said on the title I've recently bought SSE and wanted to upgrade it's graphics and overall feel to make a more "modern" game. For that I searched and installed (maybe not correctly) a few mods, less than 30, using Vortex.
Regretfully I keep getting CTD when launching the game. It happens now while opening the game from Vortex or from my SKSE64 shortcut.
I tried verifyng the game files, and Steam says evertyhing's in order...

Could someone please give me some advice. At least tell me of some ready to install and play mod compilations some as to improve the overall quality...


Thanks in advance !!

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Guest deleted80903

A CTD on launch could be caused by missing mod dependencies. A lot of mods REQUIRE other mods in order to work, and if those other mods are missing, Skyrim might not even start up. In your case this is a likely cause for your CTDs, especially if you just installed all those mods at once without checking to see if each one would work.


I don't use Vortex, but Mod Organizer 2 will flag any mods that are missing dependencies with a little red icon. I'm sure Vortex has something similar.


So that would be the first thing you should check. If that doesn't fix your issues, make sure that you have sorted your load order with LOOT. An unsorted load order will cause all kinds of problems too.

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First of all, thanks for your help !

I'm using Vortex since it's the newest Mod Manager from Nexus, and it has Loot integrated.

I've disabled all my mods, and just starting with a few mods crashed my game when starting a new game.. I don't really know now what to do except uninstalling and reinstalling everything.. but I fear once I try again to install a few mods everything breaks..

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Well, instead of "installing a few mods", I'd recommend that you take a more pragmatic approach and only load one at a time, following each load with a direct check to ensure the game still runs smoothly and with out increased CTD or stuttering or other deleterious impact.

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It's either you are using oldrim mods or missing masters, I also use Vortex.


Make sure that the mod you downloaded is for SE and not LE.

Vortex should notify you from the upper right bell icon if you are missing (Masters/dependencies).


You also might want to run loot and install patches accordingly.

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