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Enhanced Blood Textures - need a little bit of assistance


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weapons are gory as heck

blood puddles when I kill bad guys

blood puddles on dead bad guy bodies

blood puddles on the ground around me when I die


Blood pulddles on my body as long as I am playing the nordic race, have not checked other default races but I am going to assume that they do work.


I have modified the "cherry" race body which by default is CBBE - what I play with is UNPB with BBP and at one time blood spatters on my body DID work - but I broke it - not sure what I have done


any direction would be SUPER helpful.. I am confident with my INI being set up right since I get blood spatters while playing default nord race - ALL blood spatters work on my real character exect for on it's body.. I have my save game clean off a 31 day rest and can start from there






Edited by jasmerd
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