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DRAGONBORN Give the Rieklings a new home/Alliance between Rieklings and Nord


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Hi all,


I have a sort of soft spot for the Rieklings and I would love a Riekling follower, BUT I do not want to kill a bunch of Nords for them, especially considering that they were the ones being driven from their home by the Rieklings in the first place.


Is there a mod that allows the player to solve this dilemma by brokering a peace between both parties? Rieklings (not just the Thirsk Hall branch) and Nord could work together- hunting and fighting...so why don't they?


1) The Rieklings get a new place to stay (side quest to hunt for a place and make it habitable, maybe with the Nords)


2) The Nords get to go back to Thirsk Mead Hall






Rieklings and Nord live together at Thirsk Mead Hall, with the Player helping them to build a few more buildings to house everyone



Would someone be willing to do that?


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