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Rebuild Helgen!


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A mod that lets you rebuild Helgen


I imagine rebuilding the town in sections much like "build your own home"

While you defend the town and hall against enemies and gather huge amounts of the material needed, completing certain quests to get workers and craftsmen, and inhabitants, restablish a town watch, an inn and shops and a courtmage for the jarl (you) and so on



Big idea but could be awesome

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The Jarl of Falkreath owns Helgen and might be a bit upset if you start calling yourself Jarl...


That aside, I'd love to be comissioned by his Jarliness to rebuild the second largest settlement in his hold.



thx , hoping somebody picks it up

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i think this is a GREAT idea! i'm sure the gathering of all the materials would be a bit tedious at times but all in all it's a nice concept!


and as for the Jarl situation: well i'm already his thane, so why not take the next step and name me Jarl of Helgen? lol

perhaps Siddgeir could give us a quest to do something, and that reward would be him naming us Jarl of Helgen.

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i think this is a GREAT idea! i'm sure the gathering of all the materials would be a bit tedious at times but all in all it's a nice concept!


and as for the Jarl situation: well i'm already his thane, so why not take the next step and name me Jarl of Helgen? lol

perhaps Siddgeir could give us a quest to do something, and that reward would be him naming us Jarl of Helgen.


He can't do that. You'd be encroaching on Whiterun hold as well. Helgen is an imperial fort anyway, so its nothing to do with Jarls.

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