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Custom Armor Problems


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So I figured out how to get the armor in the game and I got this far (armor in game, textures showing) For some reason the armor just floats in one spot and doesn't move with my character. I rigged it to the skeleton in 3dsmax ( a very basic rig that I would need to redo later) but no matter how many times I export and put in game the armor just floats. Am I overlooking something incredibly simple here? Also my normal maps don't show in the game, which is a big deal for me because I specifically sculpted a high res model in ZBrush for this armor and baked the normals, so they are key to some of the detail on my armor.


Basically I need help getting the rig to work properly and getting the normal maps to show up.

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Something almost the same happened to me a couple hours ago, my helmet wouldn't move right with my character. Just stayed where the skeleton would be if my character stood straight, when I moved the helmet was to the side of my character. I found out the reason it did this was a shader flag in NifSkope, SLSF_2 Skinned, wasn't checked. Hope that fixes your problem. Bout the maps, I still not even sure what they are, I will start working with all that beginning of next year.
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Thanks so much both of you :D I gave a Kudos to both of you. I am going to look over the nif of a model in the game to see if my mine is missing something about the normal maps. Than I will re rig them and release my mod :D. If anyone is curious/cares heres what the armor looks like http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq211/Sargentcrunchy/screenshot0.jpg I am still going to make an alpha map to make the fur around the waist look more like fur and less like a plane haha.
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Sorry for the double post, for some reason the armor is kind of see through black-ish on a lot of it, heres some pictures so you know what I mean.





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To me that kind of looks looks like clipping, but if there is transparency check the shader flags again in NifSkope. Should be shader flag one in - LightingShaderPropertys - and uncheck the decals. On the helmet I was working on the decal flags made it completely transparent.
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The decal flag isn't flagged, I tried double sided and that didn't fix it either, the model in nifskope also looks like it does in game.




EDIT: Heres the model in nifskope, I don't know if it matters but the parts that are see through like that don't have back faces, what I mean is I didn't close the faces off where you can't see them, as I am trying to make the model as low poly and I didn't want to waste faces where you can't even see them.

Edited by rawrn00b
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I don't know if it will pretain to your problem, but for my helmet (originally vanilla hair mesh) I don't use Remappable Textures/ Vertex Colors flags. Have you checked the mesh without textures to see if it does the same. If it only happens to the areas without the back faces, I would add them and see if it fixes it if not then delete em.
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Possibly, if the weights are from a prexisting armor the shape and everything would probably be off. You could try painting the weights on the areas there see-threw. Also check your textures, make sure the alpha channel ain't causing them to be transparent. I forgot all about the alpha channel till now.


O just to add it just in case, for the alpha channel, White - vissable, Black completely transparent. So silver/gray is semi transparent. (I am not the best speller, been speaking bad English for 21 years, still ain't no better.)

Edited by Dart98Rock
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