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Custom Armor Problems


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Ok so I figured it out, it was in fact the rig. I just rigged to a different vanilla model and there isn't as many problem areas but theres still some. So next for me is to hand paint the weights for it to make it perfect. I still can't figure out why my normal maps won't show though.
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For me it looks like the normals are the wrong way... I encountered this problem myself after i made some shield and it was transparent on some surfacest. If the normals are facing the wrong way, you should be able to inverse them in nifskope..though do backup the mesh first. Cool armor btw. :)


oh and the transparency on the body mesh could be that you have "normals" set to yes in nifskope. On body meshes uv should be 1 and normals set to "no" Either that or your skinning is not correct when applying gauntlets etc.

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just rightclick on the NiTriShape node and choose mesh->flip normals and check the results. you can also use flip faces if flip normals don't give results, then finnish with update tangent space. Depending on how your armor mesh is made, you might have to take it back into 3ds max and turn the normals around manually, that is'nt all that difficult though, just be sure to check the normals before you start turning them around, you can also check them in nifskope by going into the NiTriShapeData and just select normals on the mesh with transparency and you should see the white lines, if they are going inwards, you know they are wrong. The SLSF2_both_sides flag should have taken care of that though, but try flipping the normals and see what happens :)
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