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Pain in the ass to use


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I thank you for this manager, it look fancy but basic functions are pain in the ass to use.

-were are the setting data, I have uninstalled and reinstall and everything is still there, so how can I reset the program?

-what the hel is wrong with the folder location? It use a C:/blabla folder by default, but after that the program cry because it's not on the games drive (I use a special hard drive for all my game).

So I create a "Vortex" folder at the root of my HDD where my game are, I set it in Votex option, but it seem that every game need his own sub-folder, and that vortex is unable to create those sub-folder by himself if it's not on C: (but why?), so do I have to create a path / folder manually for every game I don't get it? (with nexus mod manager it was more simple in my memories)

-if I put a game in the "managed" section games, I can't put it back to unmanaged, why? Why do the game have to stick there once I activate the thing?

There is to much notification I think btw, to much stuff on the front page (but that's just my opinion)


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- settings data is exactly where it stores mods and downloads by default: in %APPDATA%\vortex

- Windows has default folders where it guarantees an application has write access to. If you have your games on D: that's great but there is no way for Vortex to know where it can/should write to, by default all the standard folders are on C and Vortex uses them.

NMM also required you to set up directories for every game you manage, Vortex tries to work with defaults where possible. When it can't use defaults you're still exactly where you'd have been with NMM.

Also, how many games do you manage? How long does it take you to set a folder? Are we talking about an entire minute? I'm willing to bet you could have set up the folder for a hundred games or so in the time it took you to post that thread.

- Any game you have a profile for is considered "managed". If you delete all profiles for a game, it's no longer managed.

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