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Crash whenever moving cursor to female in character creation


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Having not played Skyrim in awhile, I updated to 1.8 (along with SKSE and script dragon) and installed about half a dozen new mods. I discovered that upon entering a cell with females (I updated CBBE from 3.1 to 3.2, along with a new body skeleton) or attempting to make a new character from character creation, the game would sometimes crash. I tried uninstalling all the new mods and I'm still having the same problem, so I suspect it may be conflict with 1.8. Any suggestions?
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If you mean that you are crashing when attempting to create a female character during Character Creation that can be the fault of too many cosmetic mods. Disable all of your hair mods especially the Apachii Hair Pack until after you leave the cave at Helgen Keep. Then re-enable your hair packs and finish your character using ShowRaceMenu Alternative. As for your first problem I have no answer for that. Sorry.




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