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NPCs make molerat noises when talking


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At first this bug was funny and it would usually go away for a bit when I'd quit the game entirely and restart but now it won't go away and I can complete some quests because of it. Even on new saves most NPCs make molerat noises when spoken to. I've tried disabling any mods that relate to NPCs and molerats, reloading game, recycleactor. The current problem is with Andre in the Far Harbor DLC, I can't do anything with him he just makes molerat noises preventing me from helping him and i can't even do anything with him in console because the game won't allow it. It's frustrating the hell out of me not being able to make any progress in quests because of it!

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so the rumours about the mole rat people were true all along^^

anyways, are you using vortex as mod manager?

If so, check the folder structures and files of the mods you suspected to be the problem and then check your data folder if vortex really removed them,

because if you happened to have any tool open (loot, wrye bash, xEdit,...) while doing stuff in vortex, it might only appear as if vortex removed the mods.

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Using NMM and manual installs, already went through and tested every mod to see what could be the problem and found no solutions.

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