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Ok, one of the things I hated about Oblivion was the horrible 3rd person combat animations, but then again it was never really meant to be played in 3rd person, so I can live and let live, especially since there were some AWESOME animation improvements made, my favorite being made by Cotyounoyume, who not only added MUCH better animations, but also wrote some script that allowed them to be weapon specific, so you could actually look like you were knife fighting with a knife and not look like you were trying to club some with it.

When I found out that bethesda was making Skyrim a 3rd person/fps from the ground up, I was sooo excited! I thought to myself 'yeah, better animations, cooler looking combat, maybe even weapon specific animations!' Then I heard that bethesda 'wanted the player to feel the weight of the weapon' (loose quote from an article) I got even more excited, they were actually making sure to add realism to the 3rd person animations! Then I got the game and realized that bethesda had decided that realistic weapon weights made your character swing even the smallest dagger like some sort of drunken monkey. I wanted to play a game where I could feel like a season warrior, not a clumsy child, hardly even able to lift my own weapon, much less take on a dragon. I am a sword fighting and medieval combat enthusiast in real life, so I do have some knowledge in the area, and to anyone who knows their stuff, the animation in Skyrim makes you look like a retarded amateur, not a Nordic warrior.

So I put it out there for someone to please please please make some better animations for the combat. If you need some sort of reference to good combat animations, then please look at Dragon's Dogma, or the animation pack that Cotyounoyume added to Oblivion (the mod's name is CCAO) they both have some of the best, and most realistic, melee weapon animations I have seen to date. And if you would like any input from a real life sword fighter (something bethesda should have done), please contact me!

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