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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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So, can anyone suggest me a decent corp? I've had terrible experiences with them so far. I'm looking for a corp that focuses on mission running, mining and other pve activities, while not ebing exclusively PvE, but not being exclusively PvP either.


Also, created a new character, as I didn't like the Amarr racial bonuses much. New character's name is Jake Katarne. :P This time with an added e.


Feel free to add me.

Edited by Halororor
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So, can anyone suggest me a decent corp? I've had terrible experiences with them so far. I'm looking for a corp that focuses on mission running, mining and other pve activities, while not ebing exclusively PvE, but not being exclusively PvP either.


Also, created a new character, as I didn't like the Amarr racial bonuses much. New character's name is Jake Katarne. :P This time with an added e.


Feel free to add me.


Racial bonuses got removed years ago mate... ...and now anyone can fly anything they're trained to.


I would also suggest avoiding corps entirely unless you absolutely positively must be in one for practical reasons. If not, avoid. If you MUST have a corp you may aswell make your own and build it up, the majority of corpleaders today just dont have the skills or talent to be in command, and run their groups into the ground, so unless you're somehow better than those, don't bother.

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Yeah, but ships still carried bonuses and I didn't want to spend all the time waiting to start crosstraining for other races' ships. :P I must admit, I'm having a lot more fun now I'm playing Gallente. I like using drones. My Amarr character used more or less only lasers, meaning against certain enemies he was entirely ineffective. I was doing a few missions for the fed navy in Caldari space, and I didn't do any damage to some of the enemies. :P


Thing about corps is I only want to join one to have a few people who can help out every once in a while. or just simply somebody to talk to. :P

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I just stuck with Alliastra, plenty of folks to talk to and none of the constant griefer wardecs that you get when you start your own. I also have a bit of a target on my back at the moment after a certain misunderstanding in which I um,,, In which I "accidently" vaporised a half-a-billion-ISK Sleipnir belonging to a griefer corp leader, so the safety of being in Alliastra is most welcome, it's that much easier to lay low until he decides that losing his Maelstrom aswell is a bad idea.
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  • 1 month later...

If anyone is still looking at the thread.


Name: Preator Phenix

Race: Gallente

Bloodline: Jin-Mei

Skillpoints: 14.7mil


Current Ships in use: Abaddon, Raven, Dominix, Armageddon, Drake, Myrmidon, Cov-ops frigs, any many more


Feel free to add me, I usually run missions and dislike looting and salvaging so u can come claim it all or help run missions faster :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still playing but just barely.


The game's still good but my ability to tolerate the players is running out. Getting a good has become impossible, but my real problem is that my last corp's boss is an absolute psychopath, and worse still, not a very bright psychopath with a lot of ISK to burn.


See, he drafted in a LOT of people to put together a war force, then he wardecced another corp, when they didnt respond he wardecced another, they didnt respond either so he wardecced a third. AT the same time he had two other outstanding wardecs. Then the other two corps got together, joined with the third, and suddenly the corp of 99 people found itself facing a force of just under 1000 people, and to make it worse, he also chose that day to join the militia which saw even more join the party.


He blamed us, the members, for the fact that the corp lost all it's POS assets(two MASSIVE POS), and he lost his (terribly fit) Archon, and instead of try and put things back together, he fled into null taking all our pooled assets with him and hired a mercenary corp to kill most of us who left. And it's that sort of idiocy that I've met and butted against in every single corp I've been in. Non-corp play just isnt possible here so while I don't hate the game, my hate for the players is starting to give me reason not to come back.


Me, Im still in the process of rebuilding a character, but Im really starting to wonder whether I should even bother-it's a good game but really, what's the point if it's played by morons and seemingly only morons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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