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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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Just decided to resub for some reason, but my remaining character is indy so need to get a PVP toon, do not suppose any one knows the approx value of a 32 mill SP indy toon do they?

No idea about character prices. Your best bet may be the Price Check forum. If you are not able to post there, I can post for you.

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Thanks for the offer, posted aPC thread aswel as asking here, got a rough estimate in game so started a sales thread, hopefully she sells :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
Think I might liven up my accounts a bit later today. Just gotta remember which one had all the loot so i can sell stuff to buy the plex within the 4 hour timeframe :)
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Think I might liven up my accounts a bit later today. Just gotta remember which one had all the loot so i can sell stuff to buy the plex within the 4 hour timeframe :)

PLEX is 588m today at Jita. Best of luck in selecting the right account :)

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Hehe, back online :) Sold one thing and had enough for 2 plexes :P I <3 Jita! :D
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  • 4 weeks later...
Can anybody tell me what makes EVE so good that its worth paying monthly cause i might be getting it someday.
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Can anybody tell me what makes EVE so good that its worth paying monthly cause i might be getting it someday.

Eve is an extremely complex game, thus it is difficult to summarize. The best way to find out is to do the 3 week free trial and see for yourself. Three weeks is enough to get a flavour of the game, though there will still be 100s of aspects that will stay unexplored.


As far as worth paying for monthly is concerned- this is something subjective. I've been playing for 5 years and for me it is a way of life. An alternate existence that I spend a lot of time thinking about. Eve is not a quick fix (though it may be used as such e.g. doing missions), and it is deep involvement in the alternate reality that makes it worthwhile (for me).

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I would recomend avoiding it. The problem with EVE is not the game itself, it's an amazing game, but it's all the "used to be" surrounding it.


EVE is essentialy the ultimate purist PVPer's MMO; PVP in all regions, freely, with no need for matchmaking or levels or anything to dillute the experience. Battles were ferocious, with 1000V1000 being not that uncommon. Beyond PVP and crafting there was nothing else, you could do missions, but that meant simply fighting dismally AI'ed floating red dots for small amounts of money. The sad part is the game has hemorhaged so many players that the big wars, the PVP, are done and dusted, There's no longer a viable community, and there have been so many broken promises and such little progress made in recent years that the game's developement has stalled.


CCP, the developers, have a bad habit of making large promises, and then failing to deliver. They also have completely dedicated EVE's developement in recent years to aesthetic things, rather than adressing the game's dire lack of content. This lead to major, major backlashes from the community, who had to suffur through patch after patch simply adding new shoes, skirts, and tank tops, while the game remained almost unplayably broken and hideously unreliable.


Don't get me wrong, EVE WAS one the king of MMOs, but now there's so much repetitiveness, so little content left, and so few players, that much of that has gone down the drain. The combat balance has been lost aswell; in order to prune back one OP ship, CCP nerfed an entire race's lineup, making them completely useless for PVP. It's this kind of bad leadership that's driven the once-noble game into the ground and closer and closer to collapse.


People will tell you it's fine, that the numbers of new-players are rising, that it's the best game ever made, that CCP has a plan, but trust me on this, they don't. EVE is not dead yet, and it will probably shamble on for year to come, but it's condemned. It's collapse is inevitable. It's economy is in an out-of-control tailspin, with rampant hyperinflation of prices yet no increase in PVE income to compensate, making ships prohibitively expensive for new players, while the combat is so unbalanced that only certain race's ships can PVP with even a slim chance of success. Entire classes of ships sit abandoned because the devs have nerfed them beyond redemption. With many other space MMOs doing far better than it, having more content, far, far cheaper subscriptions and no pay-to-win, EVE online would be a bad choice indeed.


My final warning to you would be that the community is truly aweful. Trying to find a corporation is nearly impossible as many only take new players, while most players are abnoxious, temperamental, and barbaric. EVE is the only game in which I've been harrassed out-of-game for something that happened in it, with a corp leader sending me a string of highly abusive emails.

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I would recomend avoiding it.

and stuff

I respect your views V, as I've followed your torrid times in Eve. I disagree about the pure PvP part, as there are many other options (boring as they may seem to you). The vast majority of my time is spent in other activities. You could classify trading as market pvp, in which case I do it all the time :)


I agree about CCP not having vision. I was at the forefront of the riots at Jita. I still don't like their current "vision".


I hate nerfs myself. To the core. Totally share your sentiments about large number of ships not being used. CCP is in the process of rebalancing- and they've done the frigates and some cruisers, with all the other ships in queue. Not sure how it will end up, though. The recent heavy missile nerf made me stop using the Tengu, which used to be my favourite ship. I have discovered the Golem though.


Ganking, btw, is the new thing in Eve. I quite like it in the overall scheme of things. There was a gank attempt recently at my (heavily pimped) Golem, and that was fun!


Eve community is crazy, no doubt, and as I have said before, you seem to have come across the worst examples. My 2 best friends in Eve happen to be Nexians and that probably helped. We started around the same time, in one corp (with just ourselves) and that was great. After a couple of years we went our own ways, and found some great corps and had a lot of fun, and continue to do so.

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