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Should I get EVE?


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  • 1 month later...

EVE is pretty cool. I really like the critical deaths. They remind me of Mortal Kombat's fatalites. :dance:

That being said, I wish there was an option to fix (get rid of) the "pulsing, shiny glow" on energy weapons. Too "Quake 3" for Fallout. :down: They don't fit into Fallout's "grungy" atmosphere at all.

A Google search for getting rid of that didn't help me find a solution so I just gave up. I consider "time used looking for how to fix mods" as time wasted when I could've been playing the game instead.

There are also wierd glitches with some crit kills leaving half-translucent bodies on the ground with electricity sparks when things got crit-killed by the Pulse Rifle.

Some crit kills left a half-melted blobs on the ground with corrupted textures so it almost looked cool. I could tell it was trying to make some cool crit-death but it got messed up somehow before it finished... so fail.

A few other graphic glitches... anyhow, even using a Merged Patch and a few other EVE mod-compatibility fix patches didn't work, nor did uninstalling and reinstalling EVE and Fallout 3 seemed to CTD a lot when I had it so I had to opt for a clean reinstall, and now just use FWE, MMM, Dynamic Weather, and Ironsights. Much more stable than before but still CTD every now and then on a regular basis (always after passing level 10 or 11 for some reason).

Well apologies for this half turning into a rant. Honestly I wish ALL mods would play nice with each other. I honestly miss EVE's shredder grenades and the crit kills that did work :wub: Oh well. At least Fallout 3 is still fun regardless, right?! :thumbsup:

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Before you install, read the EVE [Official] forum and read about the CTD bugs -and- read about how cool the effects are, then decide :thumbsup:



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