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Dawnguard DLC problem


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I recently got back into skyrim. I am in dawngurad quest line

Chasing Echoes I get all the way to the laboratory and Sarena leaves my party some how and I cant complete the quest line. She just either walks out of the room or stands in place. Its frustrating, does anyone think a mod could be causing this issue? I dont know why it would though...its just weird to me that this is happening. I have tried counsel commands to complete it and to no luck it doesnt work

Any help on the issue would be great.

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Do you've found her mother's book in the laboratory? or are you still in the Gargoyle place just before?

I have the save before the lab room I have killed all the gargoyles. As soon as we enter the laboratory she goes into the talking mode after that she starts to leave the castle. Ive gone and closed and locked the door behind her as she enters via counsel commands and it still wont work she wont allow me to finish the quest. I go get the book talk to her she tells me what stuff is needed, get stuff, put in the bowl. She says she adds the blood then nothing happens.
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normaly at this point, a dialogue box must spawn for you, you have a question about her mother, after few lines, she'll cut herself and then the portal open, Well i can't say what's going wrong with your game ^^.

may be starfleet is right, you need the UDP for a weird quest bug.


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