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werewolf mods. first person and no tail


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hello all. i was wandering if anyone could possible make a mod that allows first person view as a werewolf as it really kills the immersion when forced into 3rd person. i have no idea how hard it would be but i would think it would be possilbe as there is a mod that allows first person for horse back riding.


also a werewolf body mod that is exactly like the origanal but without a tail.


thanks :)

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Well, considering the fact there's no first person mod for werewolves after year of the release of the game might hint you that it's not:

1. Easy

2. Wanted



But aye, I saw a thread about vampire lord form and 1st person, I recommend you try to find that thread and try what they suggested there.

There was something related to how to enable first person for VL. (If I remember correctly)


Also, I havent' seen around mod which would remove tail from werewolf.

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