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[LE] New Breezehome: issue with alias/door

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I'm currently working on a mod that changes the location and appearance of Breezehome. It will be located in a small new area next to Jorrvaskr, behind the Bannered Mare.


In the vanilla game + hearthfires, the exterior of Breezehome has a shack door, owned by the player faction and unlockable with the breezehome key (Ownership and lock are set from the interior cell's door data). It also has the teleport marker, a xmarker with the adoption pet loc. ref. and a cube, some kind of trigger. By the name, the trigger is related to the pet.


So here's what i made:


-I deleted the original exterior door and the teleport markers. I then used the new door (WRDragonDoor01) for my new Breezehome, made teleport markers leading to the door in Breezehome's interior cell.

-I moved the original xmarker with adoption pet loc. ref. to my new door.

-I moved the original trigger cube for the pet to my new door.

-I went to "HousePurchase" dialogue/quest thingy and went to the aliases tab. I then changed the reference leading to the old door to my new door.


When i purchase the house, on the map, it's still pointing me to where the old door was located. I then tried various things with totally new mod files for the purpose of testing/unederstanding.


I tried to move the original door where my new Breezehome would be located: Now it's pointing at the right place on the map when i buy it, but when i open it, the quest stage telling me to go visit Breezehome is still incompleted. I still end up in Breezehome interior cell, though.


I tried moving the original door, trigger, xmarker, teleport marker and building in the same exterior cell, but elsewhere. After all, maybe it was because i changed from plainsdistrict 3 to 4. Still doesn't work. I tried many save files and sometimes it's pointing to the new place, sometimes the old. The door sometimes is at its old location while the building and markers (i guess) are in the new place.


So... what is the technique i should use? Usually, if i modify the alias to point to the new door, should it work? Is it all related to cache or something of that type because i tried too many things? I don't want to start a new game just to test if finally what i have done was fine.


Thank you for whom may help me!

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So i started a new game, after all, it wasn't this long with console commands to finish all the prerequisites to buy the house. I only used a new dummy mod that moves the door, the teleport marker, the trigger thingy and the xmarker for pets where i want to set my new Breezehome. Now, after i bought it, the arrow points at the good place and when i open the door, the quest stage goes as planned.


So basically, it was all related to many mods changes that left marks in the savegame. I hope it won't bug again when the house will be completed...


Nobody answered, but i guess it won't hurt to tell all that in case someone reads that topic after a research.

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  • 4 years later...

I found you!  Sorry nobody answered you, but maybe you could help me out?  I'm having the same issues, so what steps were the ultimate winner (assuming I use a fresh unbogged save game).  I just want to make sure I'm doing this correctly for my own Breezehome upgrade.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Quest related objects get baked into the save and will not budge as a rule you can try console commands like recycleactor but they have mixed results. If you start a new game these objects will be in the new position as they have no previous reference. If you really, really don't want these things in their present positions then disable them and create replacement objects instead but thats really not a good idea for all sorts of reasons mainly compatibility. If you really want a Breezehome somewhere else just create a new house

N.B. the "pet trigger" is a triggerbox that teleports pets normally dogs into the house if they're outside and their AI tells them they're supposed to be sandboxing etc inside as creatures can't open doors

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