Gr8Gr3yM Posted December 11, 2012 Share Posted December 11, 2012 I have made a selection: Abodes - Player homes -Windmill Shelter-Build Your Own Home-Reapers The Dark Tower-Winters Grasp-Dwarven Falls-Mystic Manor-Sleeping Tree Sanctuary-Domus Mechanicus_Eng and Ger-Grey Ledge Manor - No Load Doors-Amethyst Hollows Dreamworld-Woodland Sanctuary-Glorious Ravine-The Dawnspire-Limbwood Manor 14 Animals, creatures, mounts & horses -Real Wildlife-83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly Luna-Moth Torchbug-Horse Armors for Skyrim-Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack-Pets of Skyrim-Birds of Skyrim-Horse Inventory-SRM Companion Cart-Frost Giants-Fire GIANTS-Deadly Oceans-Skyrim Monster Mod Replacers - Lore Friendly and Others-Skyrim Monster Mod Additions - New Items V6-Monster Mod-Draman Skeleton Mod-Franka The Battle Goat-Blaze Of Eventide-Better Horses 18 Animation -The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod-TK Dodge 2 Armour -Dwemer Goggles and Scouter-Gifted Armor-Deadly Dragons Armory-Craftable Triss Light Armor-DEATH DEALER ARMOR-Immersive Armors-Spellbinder Armor-Apotheus Light Armor-JackoOs Knightly Armory-Knight Of Thorns Armor And Spear of Thorns-Omegared99 - Armor Compilation-Elite Knight-Dragonhide Robes-Silver Dragon Armor-Matys Mithril-Seratic Armor-LC_Elite Archer Armor-Overlord Armor and Dungeon Boss-Runic Trap Shields-Avatar of Grenth-Cleric Armours of the Nine Devines - Credo StandAloneMod-Werewolf Lord Armor - Beast Form Enhanced-Nordic Ranger Outfit-AmA - Argonian Mercenary Armor - With Armored Tail-Tailoring Armored Robes-Tribunal robes and masks-Tribunal Masks - Judgment Day-Ebony Mage Armor by Natterforme 28 Audio, sound and music -Roosters At Dawn-Icebreakers Improved Reverb-Immersive Skyrim Thunder 3 Bug fixes Castles, palaces, mansions and estates -LC-Become King of Riverhelm-Bluecreek Estate 2 Cities, towns, villages and hamlets -The Undercity-Fleetford-Solitude Docks District 3 Clothing -Sabre Gear Backpack-Bandolier - Bags and Pouches-Fur Bag - Backpack-Imperial Legion Robes-Stormcloak Robes-Diverse Priests-Leather Backpack 7 Collectables, treasures hunts and puzzles Combat -Dual Wield Parrying-Deadly Combat-WARZONES - Civil Unrest 3 Companion creatures -Dwarven Luggage-Engineering-BFF Animal Companions 3 Companions - Other -Cerwiden -SMART Healer- AI Configurable Companion-Sexy Warrior Companion Ria-Pretty Assassin Companion Ari-Creeper and Friends - The Handiest Followers of All-Helgra the Faithless - Draugr Femme Fatale-Riverwood Mercenary Guild-Atvir Dres - The Last Prince of Tear-Golda - Standalone Mage Companion-Lovely Jessica - Standalone-83Willows -THAIDEN- 2Versions NEW Follower - StenvarReplacer-Vilja in Skyrim-Alexa the Storm-Queen 12 Dungeons - New -Westbrook Keep-Wheezes Dungeon Pack 1-The Temple of Black Rock 3 Dungeons - Vanilla Enviromental -The 418th Step-WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux-Supreme and Volumetric Fog 3 Gameplay effects and changes -Lost Art of the Blacksmith-Deadly Traps and Sickly Diseases-SwiftPotion - Auto-Potion System-No Flying Fall Damage-Deathless Sprint and Jump with Boost-Dragon Soul Relinquishment - DSRPerkPointsCost (1) - DSRPerkPointsIncrement (1) - (0)-Owned-Predator Vision - Vampire and Werewolf-PsiKotics Necromancy Mod-Necromancy 101-Some Necromancy Spells-Run For Your Lives-Bottle That Blood - For Vampires 13 Guilds/Factions Hair and face models -ApachiiSkyHair-ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul 2 Immersion -Dragonkiller Cart-Subliminal Traps-Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One-The WatchTowers-The Wall of Skyrim-Dynamic Fires-Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival-Camps Refugees Of Skyrim-skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds-AIMP - Antz in my Pantz-Wet and Cold-Perseids Inns and Taverns-Realistic Needs and Diseases-Realistic Rocks and Mountains in Skyrim 8k-SkyRealism - Portable Crafting Kits 15 Items and Objects - Player -Water Arrows And Crossbow Bolts 1 Items and Objects - World -Pick Up the Bones 1 Landscape changes Locations - New -Skyrim School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 1 Locations - Vanilla Magic - Alchemy, potions, posions and ingredients -Ingredients of Tamriel 1 Magic - Gameplay Magic - Spells and enchantments -Summon Meteor-Summon Ice Wall 2 Mercantiles(shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc) Miscellaneous -Vals Crafting Meltdown Alpha - Melting Smelting and Fletchin-More Craftables-Nernies Ranger Pack-Burnt Corpses Now with burnt animals 4 Models and textures -Weapon Retexture Project - WRP-Nicer snowflakes-Insanitys Celtic Coin-Mystic Elven Armor - HD-Unique Booze Bottles HD-Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD-HD Torch Variants-Evil-Bloody Draugr Skin-Elaborate Textiles - NPC Clothing Retexture-aMidianBorn Book of Silence-Bellyaches New Dragon Species and Ohdaviing Replacer-Skyrim HD - 2K Textures-Skyrim Flora Overhaul-XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement-83Willows - 1 EYE OPEN - creepy Nightmother and Coffins-Ruins Clutter Improvement HD-Monster Retex Pack-Detailed Guard Shields and Banners-Deadly Spell Impacts-Visible Windows-Thats Ice-Enhanced Blood Textures-Sexy Boats v1-Sexy Solitude v1-Sexy Villages and Towns-Sexy Winterhold College-Sexy Riften v2-Sexy Windhelm v2-Sexy Whiterun v3-Sexy Winterhold College-Enhanced Night Skyrim 31 Modders resources and tutorials -Wood Chopping To Max Carry Weight 1 New lands New structures - Buildings Npc -Killable Children-Golden Saints-Dwemer Spectres-Jesters-Populated Cities-My little kitty Ma-Rakha-Khajiit boy-My little hatchling Ram-Ku-Argonian boy 7 Other -UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul 1 Overhaus -Tytanis - Farming - Mounts - Crafts - Spells - Items - MORE-Deadly Dragons-Wood Chopping Extended-DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back-Monster Wars V5-Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting 6 Patches -Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1 Quests and adventures -Dead Manor-Quest - And the Realms of Daedra-Quest - No Mercy-Moonpath to Elsweyr-Blackreach Railroad 5 Races, classes and birthsigns -The Ashen Race - HD-Dagi-Raht Khajiit race-Obscuuri - The Shadow Folk-Vaalsark - Alpha 4 Ruins, forts and abandoned structures Skills and leveling -Way of the Monk - Unarmed Overhaul - Part 1 1 Stealth -Sneak Tools 1 Spells and enchantments -Deadly Dragons Spells-Conjuration Spell Call Sheogorath-Falling Spells-Apocalypse Spell Package-Lost Magic-Portal - Dynamically Placed Teleportation-Bound Dragonslayer Weapons-Mystic Strength-Light Meter-Illusion Spell - Banish Light-Skyrim Monster Mod Additions - Conjuration V5-Midas Magic 12 User interfaces -SkyUI-Immersive HUD - iHUD-A Quality World Map - With Roads 3 Utilities -Optimizer Textures-AntiFREEZE performance patch 9 ENBSeries-Follower Trap Safety-Automatic Variants-BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions-IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for SkyrimPatched Skyrim already uses 4gb 6 Visual and graphics -Glowing Ore Veins 300-Nightingale Shadowcloak-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Whiterun-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Windhelm-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Solitude-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Riften-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Riverwood-Towns and Villages Enhanced - Villages-Space Wiking Freyja Special Effect Gems-Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM-Superb ENB-RL-Grass and Grass-Realistic Smoke and Embers-Enhanced Distant Terrain-CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights-ReAL Sun - insane0h Realistic Sunglare 16 Weapon and armour sets -Dragonbone Weapons-Dark Elves Armory-Heroic Dwarven Armor and Weapons-Sabre Cat Gear Mod Pack-Bobs Armory Skyrim-Weapon Variants Expansion-Steel Dwarven Armour and Weapons-Grey Orcish Weapons and Armor-Deacons Dark Brotherhood Pack-Craftable Templar-Armed to the Teeth - Custom Weapons-Mongol Armor Standalone-Ivory Weapons and Armor - Non-Replacer-Rose North Armor and Weapons-Heroic Dwarven Standalone Set-Warfighter Armory-Heavy Armory - New Weapons-Space Wiking Dwemer Exoskeleton-Space Wiking The Elementals-Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and Armor-Game of Thrones Armor Compilation-Noble Artifacts for Skyrim FULL - Updated 21 Weapons -Nuada Blade -Wulfharths Dragonbone Weapons-Newermind Bow Collection-Weapons of the Third Era-JaySuS Swords-Magicka Sabers-Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection-Berserk Dragonslayer-Dread Knight Weapon Set-Hybrids Vicious Weapon Pack for Skyrim-Insanitys Celtic Katana-Insanitys Dragon Katana-Insanitys Goldbrand-Nicoroshi Creations-Siege Bow Collection-Fantasy Weapons-Conan Swords-Dwarven Slayer Standalone-Elven Great Blade Standalone 2_0-Better Bows-Real Silver Swords - Standalone and Replacer-The Chronicles of Steel -Skyrim- Realswords-Snake Battle Axe-Gizmodian Oblivion Weapons for Skyrim-Dwemer Autoblade-Dwemer Buster-Andragorn s Armoury-Faal Sizaan - Ancient Nordic Longbow-Twister - Ancient Orcish Bow-Bow Of Shadows-Bow Of Gunnar Sigvatson-Narquelion - Antique Elven Bow-Hadhafang - Arwens Sword - LOTR-Alice-Madness Returns Weapons v1-03- Recipes and a Dagger-Throwing Weapons - Death From Afar-Reversed Daggers-The Vicious Heart-Aurora Blade-Veraxanima - Truth of the Soul-Monster Hunter Series Weapons-TYPEMOON Weapons-Witchers Silver Sword-Craftable_Enchantable Yngols Helm and Rueful Axe 1h 2h-Drizzt DoUrden Sword Twinkle-Kunai-Nokkelen-Sai-Blade of Eplear-Doomshard Bow-Dreadweave Axes-For the Brotherhood Daggers-Nicos Craftable Arrows-Obsidian Axe-The Bow of the Drow-Elven Weaponry-DaggerCraft -Dagger of Time--REAL Glass Weapons with realistic transparency-LSB BattleHammers-Highlander Katanas-Damascus Weapons-Lightning blaze edge-Runed Nord Hero Weapons-Explosive Arrows-Dragon Age Series Weapon Pack-Shortswords for Skyrim-One Handed Crossbow- Beta-Mithrodin Sword-Scoiatael Weapons-Diamond Weapon Smithing-Regent Armory-Extended Vanilla Weapons-Type K Bastardsword-Dwemer Control Rod-Crossbows Revamped-Project Flintlock Rifle - Sequel to Musket Mod-LOTR Elven Warswords-Dwarven GunBlade-Krgriggsys Darkblade-Crystal Hammer-Crystal Greatsword-CrystalAxe-CrystalSword-Crystaldagger-Immersive Weapons-Andragorn Weapons-Arrows of Magicka 86 Total = 342 And beyond that, there is more to add. Right now i am in doubt between two vampiric mods, "Vampire Overhaul" or "Better Vampires by Brehanin 5_7". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghosu Posted December 11, 2012 Share Posted December 11, 2012 256 with game slots, useable are 253 or so...if you want more you have to merge mods, search function is your friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted December 11, 2012 Share Posted December 11, 2012 Next question is typically is there any way around this limit? Short answer, No. This is a Hard limit from the game engine. There is NO work around - if you want more mods, learn to merge them.:thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gr8Gr3yM Posted December 11, 2012 Author Share Posted December 11, 2012 Thanks for the answers, i suppose i will just keep adding mods to my list and later remove the least important, the ones that don't work and/or learn how to merge some of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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