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Dawnguard - "You do not have permission to use this "


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I have recently installed Dawnguard but am not playing it - installed it as some mods I like required it.


I've noticed noticed two things :


1) Whiterun smithing equipment now says " You do not have permission to use this "

2) A Vampire causes a ruckus whenever I enter Whiterun


Is there are a console way to disable these happenings ..or do I have to quest DG whether I want to or not ?


Thank you kindly ...

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Right, the crafting furniture bug is not something I've encountered with at any point, with or without Dawnguard. I can only assume it is related to a mod you're using.


As for the Vampire's attacking Whiterun, that is generously called a feature of Dawnguard, meant to show you that yes, vampires are in fact causing a bit of a stir these days. They function exactly like the random Dragon attacks on major cities as far as I know, except vampire attacks are much more frequent.


You can turn the Vampire attacks off entirely with this mod: Anti Vampire Attacks - Dawnguard


Don't let the word experimental scare you off, I've used it for some time, levelled a character to about level 50 and complete Dawnguard with no problems at all. As far as I can tell it works perfectly well and shouldn't give you any problems.

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Thank you quite kindly. That anti-vamp mod does indeed seem to do the trick .. not following the DG quest they were getting a bit annoying.


The "You do not have permission to use this " thing with the WhiteRun smitn and few other cities just appeared when the vamps did so I thought it was related. Its in several cities but not others .. Riverwood still allows access., WR does not. I'm not following any quests in this play .. just wandering around :..


Thank you again . and hopefully someone else has encounter the smithng issue.

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I don't know anything about ACE, but I do know that Economics of Skyrim allows you to hire Smiths to make or improve stuff for you, could be an issue or feature of that mod. I'd suggest reading through that mods description and looking at the comments to see if it's a feature or a known bug.
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I don't know anything about ACE, but I do know that Economics of Skyrim allows you to hire Smiths to make or improve stuff for you, could be an issue or feature of that mod. I'd suggest reading through that mods description and looking at the comments to see if it's a feature or a known bug.


Okay, figured it out (somewhat). You gotta activate the Economics of Skyrim coin in your inventory so the mod sets itself up, then you can talk to people to rent equipment. Seems like it doesn't work properly in several places, however, such as Whiterun. Mod creator says a fix is coming soon.

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  • 4 months later...


I don't know anything about ACE, but I do know that Economics of Skyrim allows you to hire Smiths to make or improve stuff for you, could be an issue or feature of that mod. I'd suggest reading through that mods description and looking at the comments to see if it's a feature or a known bug.

Okay, figured it out (somewhat). You gotta activate the Economics of Skyrim coin in your inventory so the mod sets itself up, then you can talk to people to rent equipment. Seems like it doesn't work properly in several places, however, such as Whiterun. Mod creator says a fix is coming soon.

Thank you for posting this solution. Some people get answers and then never post them. You delivered.


Just had this same issue :)

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