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gtx 680 --> skyrim shader fail?


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hey there,

recently bought the gtx 680 and now my skyrim just crashes everytime i want to load a savegame..says: shader interrupted blabla

before that i used the skyrim configurator

now is it the graphics card or is it the confogirator? im kinda clueless here :/

sometimes it kinda runs but then freezes when i use a shout >-<

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I bought a GTX 680 too and all my old savegames work fine.


Do other games run okay?


Did you have an ATI card previously?


Might be bad physical installation, like the actual card is not seated right in the slot. Or bad drivers installation - reinstall drivers and choose 'Clean installation' in the nvidia installer.


oh and by the way, once the problem is corrected I can share my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini which run pretty well for the gtx 680.

Edited by zyg0tic
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