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Toggleable Facepaint On/Off


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Hey Nexus!


I've searched everywhere and it seems that there isn't any mod out there yet that allows for this to be done:

the ability to either toggle facepaint on/off on your character or to choose another facepaint.


Sure, it can be done with the race edit console command, but I was looking for something more immersive or just via a simple menu. I'd love to be able to wash away the facepaint on my character when they are resting at their home or camp, and put it back on before raiding the next bandit camp or adventuring into a cave.


The Request:


A mod that allows for either:

- Toggling current facepaint on or off

The facepaint number would switch from the current number (if player has facepaint) to no-facepaint number (1, I believe) and vice-versa, would remmember which number it was before.


- Hiding the facepaint

The mod would hide any facepaint completely without switching to no-facepaint (not sure if this is possible, but it's an alternative to get the goal done anyway)


- Freely switching facepaint

The mod would allow the player to choose style and colour via a menu or equippable items.


Thanks a lot for your time reading this, I hope someone takes up this idea and makes it work. I believe it would be a beautiful addition to our Skyrim Nexus mods!

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Dawnguard DLC has NPC who chan change your appearance without messing up perks/stats.

Just pointed that out, in case you didn't know :biggrin:

"or to choose another facepaint." <-- This sounds like you didn't know x)


Anyhow, I think it'd be great to change war paints after combat or something.

After all, it is called "War Paint", it shouldn't be permanent. :biggrin:

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