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The Flame of Aaerna


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well it's not too late it's still friday here, and by my time you still have 5 hours left to sign up. Therefore at midnight my time i'm closing this thread and all signups. Thankyou.



-The Raven-out

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  • 3 weeks later...

SIGNUP REOPENED, thought I'd post that anyone still wishing to join the RP can still sign up from now till the end of the RP, just post here and I'll fit you into the scheme of things. I know that most of the posts in the RP already are long, but that doesn't mean that you have to write long posts, just as long as they are good posts I don't care. Thanx!



-The Raven-off to do more and more and more stuff!

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  • 11 months later...

Ok I opened this RP up last October I think, and as you can see it died. So here's what I"m going to do. I'm bumping this sign up thread and announcing I'm going to start the RP over. I've locked the actual RP thread, just incase. What I'm really wanting to know is if anyone would be interested in this RP, if I get a good response then I'll start up the RP again. So post here if you think you'd be interested. From there I'll make my decision and announce that you all need to make characters (this all assuming the RP reopens).



-The Raven-surfing the boards...

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Hm, I could use some roleplaying, since every single thread I've tried to join has died. Are characters/world the same as described in the initial post? If so, I'll post one once it's official that we're playing.
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yeah things will be simliar to the original post, but i'm going to update it and add some more detail. I'll post it once i've got a good number of people, so you all can use it for characters. Good to see I've already got people signing up ;D



-The Raven....

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Ok so, we're starting over. Maybe we'll get somewhere this time ;D Here's the overview.





1.) You do not talk about fight club

2.) You do not talk about fight club

3.) No god modding, or uber undefeatable characters. (where's the fun if there's no struggle?

4.) I'm the game master, don't start controlling the world and the other characters

5.) Be mature.

6.) It is not necessary to fill out a character sheet. You can describe your character's appearance, gender, race, age, and whatnot as the story goes along.

7.) Follow the rules.



I'm assuming since you all signed up, you know how to RP so i'm not going to explain it to you. The RP will consist in Chapters each taking us further along the adventure. And I'd like to add that my character Elrol will be accompanying you all. I'll keep things fair, he'll know about as much as you all about the situation and so forth. Oh and theta's going to join us as well, even though she hasn't posted here. And last but not least, anyone who wants to join after the RP has started just needs to post here, so I can work ya in ;D. So joining is open till the end of the RP, whenever that may be.




The world works on the basic laws of physics, things fall down, there is weather, climates, people, languages, and the general plants and animals that exist within our own world along with some new and intriguing varieties. Magic is used here, however it's not a common convenience. Those that possess the ability to channel the flow of magic are well trained, and don't know a bagillion spells to use. They use spells only in the most necessary circumstances, because magic within this world is not just something you simply do with no consequences. It requires vast amounts of physical and mental energy, and using it often can leave one drained, and volnurable, or even unconcious. The races living within this world are as follows:



Everyone knows what humans are, much like the ones reading the post, the basic idea of a human given in most rpg's. There are a many subraces of human, but they are all human, just slightly different in physical appearance. They live within various kingdoms across the lands. War, though a common place occurence in the past, is not, has not been seen for many years among the race of man. Magic is not common, and when it is it can be traced back to an elven or Aaerling ancestor. Human knowledge is vast but not as vast as Elven or Aaerling, the reason for this being they don't live as long, knowledge tends to get lost from generation to generation. They are amazing and wonderful warriors. Though their architectural skills and stage of technology are not as appealing as many of the other races, They are by far the most adaptable, and exist in every climate available on Legaria. Due to their inborn curiosity Humans are natural born adventurers. While many of hte other races are perfectly content with where they are, and to be left alone; humans love to explore, to expand, to learn.



The generalized and widely spread idea of elves, Tall beautiful/handsome, with fair skin, long hair, deep eyes of colour, and pointed ears. Long lives, and agility, not the strongest of races. Elves are not immortal but do live for atleast 2-3 hundred years, some even longer. They are adept in magic, and wonderful smiths and fletchers, along with clothiers. They prefer seculsion, and to be left well alone. They don't take kindly to interference into the way they like to run things from outside forces. Much is still not known of the elven races, because of their secrecy, and therefore much of the mysterious rumours of extraordinary abilities that elves possess are widely fabled. Though the majority of the Elven nation prefers their privacy, there are still those that walk among the common folk, and venture out into the world. Their current capitol stands to be Thorien Vale located deep within Illuvaria Forest. But elves like nature can be found in all places.



Decendants of a long dead race, after centuries of interacial breeding with humans, and elfs this race was born; but it's still very old by itself. They appear to be what most would call half-dragons. Also called the Aaer Folk Their skin is thick and leathery, ranging in colors from red to black, to blue or golden(depending on their lineage). Their ears are usually pointed, however the ones with human blood tend to have rounded ears, or barely pointed ones. Fangs are present, similar to what one would see in a vampires jaw. Finger nails are usually long and strong, but not so long as to incumber movement or dexterity. Leathery, bat-like wings protrud from each shoulder blade, containing two extra 'fingers' on the bend of the wing, used for grasping things. Some possess a tail and some do not it depends on how deep the bloodline runs. None breath fire, but all seem to possess a knack for magic. All have the ability to create the illusion of being either a perfectly normal human or elven version of theirself, depending on their lineage. Their size is no larger than the average size of a human or elf of their age. They live quiet longer than elves, but are not immortal. Generally have a thirst for learning, and an odd obsession with treasure. Despite all their advantages, they are extremely vunerable to silver, and in some cases it can cause death.



They are overly obssessed with treasure, and shiny wonders, and dig deep into the earth to find such things. They live in vast cities quickly crafted deep within the earth. Dwarven halls are the safest guarding place of any valued treasure for a king, and they often call upon the Dwarfs to guard things for them. Dwarfs do not like to meddle in surface affairs, and are more seclusive than the elves. Rarely are dwarves seen wandering about on the surface, and rarely has anyone ever even visited a Dwarven city. While they do not like the surface, or participating in upperworld wars, they are vivacious fighters, and extremly strong for their size. They lack much of the knowledge that the other races possess, because of their treasure obessession, but they possess great smithing skills, and their works are sought by greatest of kings. Seeing as how many kings use dwarven halls for treasure vaults. Many kings have lived their days and died, while their treasure trove still lays unseen within dwarven mountains for centuries after their death.



Short in stature, they live in small cottages, within trees, underground, or any hidden spot they can call home. They could live within walking distance of a town and not be seen by its residents for hundreds of years. They are excellent at steatlh, and illusion. They possess odd magical abilites that keep them hidden from outsiders. They possess no masterful fighting abilities, but they do not need them when they have excellent hiding skills, and illusionary tactics. They are a somewhat intelligent race, but don't dwell much on knowledge, they prefer to care for nature and its inhabitants. Very little is known of them because very few have ever been seen, and in some places people think them merely a myth, and not a fact at all.


-Natural Lycanthrope

This race is born a lycanthrope, they are not inflicted with lycanthropacy like some unlucky people, they are born this way. Depending on the lineage they posssess the inborn ability to change from a humanoid form to a beast humanoid form, or a beast form. It is thought that lycanthropacy as a disease was started by a crazed lycanthope biting a regular humanoid, and spreading it somehow. This theory has never been proved, and therefore none know if it holds any truths. They live within the wilds of the lands, usually within small nomadic tribes associated with thier beast form. They are not fond of weapons, they prefer to use their claws or shape shifting ability as weapons. As far as most know lycanthropes exist with just about any common beast form that one could imagine. Their organization is tribal and a common peace exists between all lycanthropes. Because of their beast transformations, which they can control at will, except on the full moon, when they are stuck in their humanoid form, and cannot change until the full moon is over, they tend to have a communication with animals, and a mutual relationship with them.



The changlings are an odd race, none know if they possess cities, or any form of organization. They live among the other races undercover until they grow tired of that races presence and decide to move on. There is but one way of telling that someone is a changling and that is a black spot on the back of their neck. All changlings seem to be born with the same black birthmark on the back of their neck, and no matter what form they take it remains. They are rumoured to be immortal or at the very least have longer life spans than the elves. Changlings are the least known about race, and therefore they still remain a mystery among the many races.


That concludes the playable races within Legaria.


Here we go.....I'm heading over to the RP post shortly to begin things; see ya there.


-The Raven-wandering...

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