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Christmas Enemy Requests


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Hey guys, Christmas is just around the corner, and with Killing Floor having the most fun Christmas-themed violence in any game I've played, I came back to Skyrim specifically to request a Christmas-themed model;


Snowman Atronach

- Snowman head with creepy smile, such as the Spooky Snowman from youtube. Top hat is required!

- Chest and hands covered in large snowballs. 3 coal buttons on chest. Scarf optional

- arms, pelvis, and legs stay the same as a Frost Atronach, with hands obviously altered.


If someone could do this, hopefully before Christmas, that would be awesome!

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Hey guys, Christmas is just around the corner, and with Killing Floor having the most fun Christmas-themed violence in any game I've played, I came back to Skyrim specifically to request a Christmas-themed model;


Snowman Atronach

- Snowman head with creepy smile, such as the Spooky Snowman from youtube. Top hat is required!

- Chest and hands covered in large snowballs. 3 coal buttons on chest. Scarf optional

- arms, pelvis, and legs stay the same as a Frost Atronach, with hands obviously altered.


If someone could do this, hopefully before Christmas, that would be awesome!


Glad to see a fellow Killing Floor companion. I agree some Xmas Enemies would be very nice.



Edited by Jitansgate
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