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Interior weather sounds - how is this done?


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Doesn't the latest version of RCRN have interior weather sounds?

According to their rather unmodest website, yes RCRN is supposed to allow weather to be seen and heard from interior locations. I've just installed (and immediately uninstalled) it as the internal weather effects didn't work, for me anyways. Plus I personally didn't like the general approach the mod took so I'm not concerning myself with RCRN anymore.


Unless I hear some breakthrough information, I'll have to release my mod without this feature, and just make the request on my mod page (just in case).


Thanks anyways chaps.

Edited by LargeStyle
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Thanks Darkgondul, I forgot about that mod.


By the looks of the video, as already mentioned in this thread it looks like sound markers are placed in certain areas such as windows and doors so external noises can be heard. If memory serves me right though, the SOS mods were removed by the author as they somehow created savegame bloat, which obviously doesn't sound promising.


I'm so busy with the final stages of my weather / lighting mod now that I'll have to chase all this up when I have more free time.


Thanks again though :thumbsup:

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