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[Scripting help] Enable a reference on activation


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[EDIT] : Sorry if that topic already exists, I didn't found one when I searched.


Hello everyone,


I am very new to scripting, not only for papyrus. I went through a number of pages in the CK official wiki, various forums, checked built-in scripts, and so on. I think I pretty much understand the very basics of it. However I'm struggling with something :


I'm on a player house mod of my own. I want to add a script to a "DweButton01" form (meaning not the base reference obviously) that will enable a form that's initially disabled. I came out with several tries but can't understand why the compiler rejects them.


This is what I have written :



Scriptname AHVA_PortalButtonScript extends ObjectReference
{Enable or disable a linked reference when the player presses the button}

Bool Property isEnabled = false auto hidden

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
If(isEnabled == false) ; Is the door enabled ?

If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
isEnabled = true
self.getLinkedRef().Enable(true) ; Enables the door.


isEnabled = false
self.getLinkedRef().Disable(true) ; Disables the door.


Could someone kindly provide me with an example script please ? That would be greatly appreciated, and I could figure out what's wrong with whatever I'm doing.


Thank you !!

Edited by Haagaar
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IsEnabled is already a function defined on the ObjectReference script. As a result the compiler does not understand what you are trying to do when using a property variable of the same name. Below is an example that should perform what you want. Please note that it has not been tested for compilation or function.



Scriptname AHVA_PortalButtonScript extends ObjectReference
{Enable or disable a linked reference when the player presses the button}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
  If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
    If Self.GetLinkedRerf.IsDisabled()  ; Is the door disabled ?
      self.getLinkedRef().Enable(true) ; Enables the door.
      self.getLinkedRef().Disable(true) ; Disables the door.



Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Thank you for the very quick answer !

As usual with "beginners", the solution is easy and right in front of my nose haha ! Sorry for that.

I just renamed the bool property to isEnabled_01, because your script does not compile (compiler says that the "isEnabled" variable is undefined).


Again, thanks for the help !

Edited by Haagaar
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Anyway, I tweaked the script a little to add sound fx, here it is, if anyone needs it :




Scriptname AHVA_PortalButtonScript extends ObjectReference
{Enable or disable a linked reference when the player presses the button, with FX}

ObjectReference Property DoortoEnable auto

Sound Property DoorAppearFX auto
Sound Property DoorDisappearFX auto
Sound Property DoorLoopFX auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
     If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
          If DoortoEnable.isDisabled() ; Is the door enabled ?
               DoortoEnable.Enable(true) ; Enables the door.
               DoortoEnable.Disable(true) ; Disables the door.
     While DoortoEnable.isEnabled()

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