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Funny Weapons


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i came up with some ideas for funny mod weapons. (i don't know if these have already been made yet or not.)


1. A crossbow in the shape of a chicken that would fire egg crossbow bolts

2. a clown outfit with a big balloon or rubber chicken being the sword and a squirt flower being the bow.

3. a big fly swatter as a two-handed sword

4. a bow named 'The Sheriff' (don't know what type and or what it should look like), so when you shoot it you can say "I shot the sheriff." (not sure if everyone gets the reference i'm making here.)

and 5. a sword or dagger named 'Kindness' (don't know what type and or what it should look like). so when you equip it and attack somebody you will be killing them with kindess :D


anyways not sure if these are good ideas worth making but i thought they were funny though.

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