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americas army


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Has anyone heard of the game americas army you have to download it from there website and it was originally made to recruit ppl to go and serve.The graphics are ok but the main bits of the game are training and there is only combat on the online bit .But the online bits arent very good you dont really but what you have learnt into practise and many ppl just go off on their own.But my biggest disappointment was the medic training ,there were a couple of quite lenghty lectures about blood breathing and shock, learnt quite a bit ,but in gamplay all you need to do to heal someone is press E .
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Yeah I've got Americas Army SF Downrange nice game because it's quite realistic. My favourite maps are Pipeline and the ambush one. My favourite weapon is the Barret 50. caliber sniper rifle, funny when someones hiding behind a blown out car and you take a shot at it, goes straight through and kills the guy before he realises whats happened. :D


But my biggest disappointment was the medic training

What did you expect? To be a medic you would have to go through about 2 years training [correct me if wrong].


Good game mind you :)




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I only recently discovered America's Army, and finding out that it is completely

free, I decided to give it a try. I must say that the game is fun and more realistic

than other first person shooters; the training sections are also fun, and even though it takes much more to become a medic in real life, the lectures were rather

useful, considering it's a game. You don't really expect a home user to go through

hundreds of hours of classes and dozens of tests to become a medic in a game.


However, from an ideological point of view, I am not sure as to what I think of this

game. The reasons behind the Army's decision to distribute this game freely are,

in my opinion, pretty clear; to make young americans more interested in joining

the Army, and to present the American Army as a model to the rest of the world.

Basically, it's propaganda. But still, if you don't let yourself be influenced, it can

be an enjoyable multiplayer game.

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What's wrong with the Army? :huh: Everyone's always hatin' on the Americans... ;)


This game is great. It's totally free, the graphics are above level for most games today [though certainly not amazing], the gameplay is fun, etc... It's realistic - you have to learn how to jump with and effectively use a parachute in order to partake in the Airborne missions, you have to take test to be Medic, you have to qualify as an excellent marksman to be a sniper, etc....


It's realistic, fun, and free....



Why not play it?

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