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BOSS - can't sort load order, error


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I get this error whenever I run BOSS to sort load order: "Evaluation of conditional ""http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666 CBBE female body" or "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709 DIMONIZED UNP female body"." failed!"

I don't use either body (CBBE or UNP, I use a custom TBBP body), nor do I have either one of these mods in my mod folder, why is it saying this?

I tried to use BOSS because after I installed Martial Arts and Momo's Acrobatic Jump mod, my character no longer has any dualwield run forward/left/right animation (backward still works for some reason), the character simply displays some kind of static T-pose and glides.

Edited by Heartcloud
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Martial Arts and Momo's Acrobatic Jump mod :)


ok, you are not using Cbbe or Unp but Tbbp instead, the point is, Tbbp is a custom body mod and you need a custom skeleton + FNIS to make it functional^^

for Boss, may be Tbbp is based on Unpbbp body and boss is looking for the original, i'm sure it is, if not it will display Tbbp as a unreconized plugin.


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