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Wanted for Mod - Exterior Landscape Painter & Decorator.


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I am looking for a landscape painter and decorator to complete the exterior of a mod I am working on - The Four States Project.


On the plus side I'd say most of the work has been done and all you are required to do is go over it and touch it up adding to what ever is there to make it even better looking... and, this is the hard bit, junkify the landscape with detritus.



This is a current estimation of what has been done so far:


Percent land painted: 97%

Percent bushified/cactified/treeified: 70%+

Percent creaturefied/raiderfied: 95%+

Percent radiated: 75%+

Percent rockified: 98%+

Percent soundified: 50%

Percent sludgified: 99%

Percent windified: 99%

Percent decorated/junkified: 0.5%

Percent NPCified: 5% (Mostly TinTown)


The percentage ratings are estimations, and more of each can always be added.



Not every cell or quad needs to be junkified. Only cells that have a road, shack, tent, sludge pool, cave enterance, lean to, or whatever needs to be done including (partly) the eight cells surrounding it. It sounds a lot, but it isn't really. A rough calculation (based upon the current map contents) suggests this to be 61 sites (not including roads) needing to be done. Even if it is nothing more than a single wrecked car, or billboard on a section of road, I'd consider it 'a cell junkified'...



Also, to make your job that little bit easier - I am not opposed to you copying and pasting five or six generic setups so long as you move bits and pieces about to make it just a bit different looking.



Your duties would be to...

> Touch up the landscape painting if you think it needs it.


> Add more rocks, bushes, dead trees, cacti, whirlwinds, dust effects, fallen trees, radioactive sludge pools if you think a section of land requires it.


> Add assorted interesting features to look at, if you want.


> Add assorted vehicle wrecks, tire piles, skeletons, sandbag defences, corpses, billboards, barrels, guard rails, tin cans and other assorted detritus to all the current locations in the mod.



To have the landscape junkified would be a great step towards giving the mod that lived in and scavenged look, and it would be another major step closer to the mod being completed. Once the land has been suitably junkified and such I could finally move on to missions and fine tuning the story arc.




So, why don't I do this?

Frankly, I don't want to. I need a break from modding. My mind is numb from it all. I painted the landscape, placed the rocks, trees, cacti, wind effects, sound effects, sludge pools, shacks, roads, and whatnot; and for the size of the landscape, that is no small task. I also built most of the interiors and decorated them.


All I ask is for some kindly modder or three to take pity on, not me, per se, but a fellow wornout Fallout 3 modder, who has grand aspirations to add a new land for all the members of Fallout3Nexus to explore.


Come one, be part of the Four States Project. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. But if you do, and many years from now, when you are old and living out your last days, will you not look back and count the days and wish, you could trade all the days from now to then, for one chance, just one chance to to come back and be involved in the creation of quite possibly the best independent Fallout mod - ever!





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