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CTD when walking outside


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Hi guys,


Im having a problem with Skyrim at the moment where ill get CTD when the game loads outside, the crash either happens when the loading screen is finished or its stable until i walk about a hundred meters in any direction, I'm running a lot of mods but disabling them does not seem to solve the problem, I've tried to view the game logs but currently the only thing that it displays is


"Redirecting Createdevice"




"redirecting CreateDevice

redirecting device->Reset

redirecting device->Reset"


Here are screenshots of what mods I currently have installed.






Anyone got any ideas as to why it doesnt work?

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It's in your files dood. Delete all of the ENB files. It should help. But then again.. this is Skyrim we're talking about. Seems to be a fragile game and it doesn't like mods very much.


But just in case I'm wrong, back up those ENB files to a folder outside the skyrim folder before you delete them. Worth a shot right? I don't even know if your using an ENB.. just my guess since I had a similar issue.


Let me know how it worked out ;)

Edited by SkyriManiaK
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the only thing weird in ur LO


Winter Is Coming need a patch to work with Cloak of skyrim,

then you have so much mods..

Skyrim can be mod friendly but you need to help "him" a little :P



Edited by korun
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