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Slow Load.


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So, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any tools to help speed up the loading/post-process of my game with all it's mods installed? Basically not only does it now take longer to load between areas (and loading the save itself), but after it has supposedly loaded, it freezes (usually during the auto save) either momentarily, or for a lengthy 30-60 seconds.. At first I didn't mind but now it's starting to get really aggravating, especially if I am running between areas such as my house in whiterun and the smith outside.

Any help would be appreciated.

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There are several supposed help files and tweaks. But I just think it boils down to using mods. And it's really unfair because there are so many to choose from and such a large community for it. But the game just doesn't like them :/


It's probably safe to run up to 20 mods, but after that things can get rough. I have an amazingly powerful rig and I too deal with some issues running this game. Ever watch any "top mods" videos on youtube? I'm sure you have. Ever notice how it looks as if they are playing with no mods but the one they are showcasing? Because they don't work. And as nice as ENBs are, they too cause problems. I am starting to think it may be best to just play the game the way it came out of the box (so to speak).


I am no expert on this and I will probably get some negativity for this statement. All I can say is based on my experience playing the game. I just can't figure it out either dood.


Fresh install time XD I mean that for me.. I don't care what you do lol.

Edited by SkyriManiaK
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there is no tweaks for your problem^^,

i'm running 55 mods now, for 4 char, i'm playing all of them,

i m going throught whiterun main door in 10 scd max and all shop/house, house mods etc.. take time to count 2/3. it wasn't this good all time,

with my 1st char, 1 year ago it can take more than 10 min..10 Oo to go in Whiterun, breezhome, then dragon'sreach, in and out , even Whiterun is a huge place, Markhat too, i gave up on my char, it became unplayable

the problem was my saves, installing and uninstalling mods, textures, armor, weapons, etc..make them huge and i have had a lots of error too

i solved this by making a fresh install and réinstall all mods i have or new one with same purpose, now with the CK, some of them are really well done, leave the other , there is good tools to check what's wrong, Boss, Wrye bash, etc..

Boss will tell you if your load order is good, all .esm, .esp at the right place

Wrye bash give more infos for the same thing, "where this mods should be placed", but also you can merge different mods with the same purpose and so on



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i5 650 3.2 ghz 6gb ram ati radeon HD 6570 1 go it's not really a gaming rig :P


edit:as the op said is game is taking more and more longer to load, so thats not a low end rig problem^^

Edited by korun
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go to your c:/user/my document/my game/skyrim/save and check the size

DL Boss and check your load order


when it takes time to load it's because you are loading script etc.. which are not there anymore


oh and uncheck autosave, travel save etc.. just leave permanent save every 15 min, save the game when YOU want, i can go throught a cave saving when i get in and then wen i get out or just on front of the last big bad draugr ;)

Edited by korun
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