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3ds Max Question

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Two interrelated questions for the 3ds Max gurus. When I look at the exported NIF I am seeing vertex color related things that I'd like to be able to turn off before hitting the ole export button in 3ds Max.

  1. How does one prevent colors from being exported on BSTriShape. On vertex description I am currently seeing [Vertex|UVs|Normals|Tangets|Colors].
  2. Similar question to #1. How does one prevent the Vertex_Colors flag from getting set on the BSLightingShaderProperty? Under the Shader Flags 2 I am seeing [ZBuffer_Write|Vertex_Colors].

I see areas in 3ds Max to turn on/turnoff certain things under the materials maps, but I am not immediately seeing a Vertex_Colors check box. Obviously, I am overlooking something or not looking in the right place.

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I had to deal with this problem recently and found out a couple of things, in first place, if you are importing nif, make sure to disable vertex colors in the importer dialogue, but if you already have a project that exports vertex colors, click on the mesh, click on face selection (red triangle icon) and select all faces. Then, in surface properties, you'll find "edit vertex colors", set color and illumination to white and alpha to 100, it will remove the Colors flag from the shape.

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