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Fluctuating brightness


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Hello everyone, I have an annoying problem with Skyrim enb. I'm using ENBseries 0.102 Tatsudoshi (it's a performance ENB). The problem itself is the flickering brightness. Interestingly enough, the problem does not exist when I tries to record a video to archive it. Basically it looks as if render engine put a brightness map on for a split second. This fluctuation repeats whenever I run/move looking at bright areas (but only in 3rd person view). So far I tried these:

1) changing floatpointrendertarget to 1

2) disabling adaptation in enbseries.ini

3) changing fShadowBiasScale to 1

4) changing iShadowFilter=3 and iShadowMode=3


I'm not sure if it's because of the ENB version I use or something else. The problem is that this ENB version works best with my PC and I can maintain playable FPS. I'd be grateful if someone could tell me what else I can try to eliminate this fluctuation.

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I also have this problem. I've tried everything listed above, as well as tried different versions of the d3d9.dll on the ENB official site (including the versions that I enjoyed many hours of problem-free), but to no avail. For me, ENB = flickering brightness, regardless of whether I turn off SSAO, adaptation or what have you. I'm completely stumped.
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Maybe ENB and Skyrim are fighting over whether or not the "End of Frame Image Space" modifiers from Skyrim should be applied to the game or not. These include bloom, a desaturation filter, eye adaptation, radial blur, etc..


You can manually toggle these on or off via the console with the teofis command.


Also, make sure you're adding bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 under the only [Display] section of SkyrimPrefs.ini located at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\. And, that it's the only line in said file for that setting.

Edited by MShoap13
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Maybe ENB and Skyrim are fighting over whether or not the "End of Frame Image Space" modifiers from Skyrim should be applied to the game or not. These include bloom, a desaturation filter, eye adaptation, radial blur, etc..


You can manually toggle these on or off via the console with the teofis command.


Also, make sure you're adding bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 under the only [Display] section of SkyrimPrefs.ini located at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\. And, that it's the only line in said file for that setting.



Floatpointrendertarget is for sure set to 1. The teofis command is certainly new to me and did indeed fix the fluctuating brightness, however it disabled all of those features you listed with or without ENB switched on, making for a rather bland and ugly game and defeating the point of using ENB at all, haha. It does show that you're more than likely correct in that ENB and Skyrim are fighting for the final image, but how do I tell Skyrim to step aside and let ENB do it's thing (as everyone else's seems to do).

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Try disabling SkyLighting or change the quality to 0. I had to turn this off entirely to keep from getting flickering during the day.


I did try that, but to no avail. However, after some considerable digging, I've found that the latest NVIDIA drivers (310.70) are to blame. Simply installed the second most recent stable release (306.97) and it fixed everything fine. :)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

hi To all guys. i have a similar problem to the topic. during the beginning intro (i am still at that level bcos i am still modding), even though there are obstacoles between the sun and my sight, i mean mountain , building etc, the sun shader appears, is like floating in the screen. i wish to upload image but i dont know in which site (URL).

my skyrimprefs.ini - floatpointrendertarget is set to 1 already. thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe ENB and Skyrim are fighting over whether or not the "End of Frame Image Space" modifiers from Skyrim should be applied to the game or not. These include bloom, a desaturation filter, eye adaptation, radial blur, etc..


You can manually toggle these on or off via the console with the teofis command.


Also, make sure you're adding bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 under the only [Display] section of SkyrimPrefs.ini located at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\. And, that it's the only line in said file for that setting.


OMG man, I've been trying to fix my radial blurring and contrast fading effects for months, and that "teofis" command solved all of it. You have no idea how everything fixed itself when I hit enter after the command.

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  • 4 years later...

I have the same problem but with Racemenu !! I made sure, when I switch it off, brightness flickering doesn't occur.

I DON'T USE AN EMB. But I've got couple others like CBBE, bijin mods, and probably a weather mod. So the Racemenu clashes with some other mod and is causing the problem or is it something totally different ?

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